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John Smith

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Posts posted by John Smith

  1. So what you are saying is that I am the problem? America has not interfered in internal politics in the Mid East? We are not doing anything wrong there? Hmmm,


    Also you of all people say you're too lazy to do the multi quote thing? Interesting response.

  2. Always an answer, always the simple one too. Completely avoids what I said too. Score! So why do they want to kill everyone? Could it be that we are fucking with and have been fucking with the internal politics of their countries? Could it be that we support totalitarian regimes in the area? (Saudi Arabia, Iran under the shah, Iraq as long as they fought our enemies etc...) could it be that people in this country have framed this as a war on Islam? Could it be that what is happening right now was predicted by opponents of W's test of manhood (Iraq II)? Nah, keep it simple call them savages and when they hit us we hit them back harder, at least until Sonny tries to get change for a $20 at the toll booth, then maybe cooler heads will prevail. Until then bombs away, and make sure we feel good about it, because feeling good about that strategy is all we will get out of it.


    Btw I firmly believe that the next level group is probably already forming and will step into any void we create... So we can keep the cycle going.

  3. In this country gun violence is a very real thing, yet when anyone suggests anything other than proliferation, there is a well rehearsed loud outcry against any new laws rules or even suggestions of ways to curb it. However voter fraud, which is statistically zero in the US get more actual action and laws are passed across the country to prevent this essentially non-exist any crime. Something is seriously wrong here.

  4. Catch a glimpse of the hunter or the deer?


    I have several friends who are purists and will

    not hunt with firearms, bows only. Sights and ammunition for fire arms are too good and they feel that there's no challenge in shooting something 200 yards away.

  5. Louie I don't disagree with what you say.


    Planned parenthood has issued a statement on the shootings where they call out certain presidential candidates for their rhetoric. People of a certain persuasion call for the military to take out clerics and such whose rhetoric leads to attacks against US and other targets around the world. I'm still waiting for them to make similar statements regarding the rhetoric that leads to incidents like the PP shooting or the Tiller shooting.

  6. I had an interesting discussion on minum wage and its effect on the economy. Apparently raising it will destroy the economy and our way of life. The person I discussed it with thinks it should be abolished and that government has no business interfering in business (ignore that pesky commerce clause). Anyhow I was informed that Americans earn too much so the min wage needs to go away. I challenged this person to go to his boss and ask for a pay cut because he warns too much, that's not happening. Realistically everyone who works full time should be able to warn a living wage.


    Dividends are under taxed too.


    Wall Street needs tighter regulating and has a more profound negative effect on the economy than people will admit. I was informed that government should not interfere with business because a third party should never tell a business what to do, however I work for a business where a third party, Wall Street, controls more of what we do than the government does.


    If people want low taxes like other countries have, then they need to take into account everything. You want a 25%corporate tax rate? Then you have to give up a ton of unique deductions found only in America. Things like section 199, MACRS, LIFO and others. Also most of those other countries (all I think actually) gave VAT taxes and completely different budgets than us. There are a crap tom of moving parts to address. It's not a simple fix and anyone who says so has no idea what they are talking about.

  7. I wouldn't discount Trumps past, however I also would not take his current statement and announce definitively that is said something he did not say. Remember there are people here on Via who don't like being interpreted. They frequently say things like "I never said that..." So I won't project here. Besides if Trump really had a change of heart and switched his position, then maybe yes you do discount his past.


    I actually can not imagine a sane person using any rifle for skeet shooting...unless they are tv bad ass great at shooting.

  8. Back in the 70's Rolling Stone and Rose records both had pretty good stores downtown. Now Rose is gone completely and RS is down to the store at Harlem and Irving...even that is a shell of its former self.


    The only Tower I ever went to was in Schaumburg. It was fun to visit because it had a little of everything. But that Golf Road address made stuff there a little more expensive. I pretty much shopped the sale stuff only there. It's gone now replaced by REI, I like to hike and camp so REI is good too.

  9. [quote name="Hixter" post="1583238" timestamp="1448895792


    Within hours of the incident, President Obama was indeed talking about grabbing guns.


    I guess I misinterpreted this. I should have known what the president is or was thinking at the time and not just read his words. I'm not so goodly with my understandin of words as others are.

  10. I don't see any of that in the presidents statement. That's just projecting and not related to his actual statement. It's also not fair to infer unspoken or assumed thoughts. I've learned that here because there are people here who get fairly defensive when others read into their posts or infer things not specifically spoken.


    BTW Ted Cruz, a reasonable centrist I learned the thanksgiving, had picked up on the "transgender leftist shooter" notion. So it must be legit.

  11. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/11/court-records-colorado-planned-parenthood-shooter-not-republican-identifies-as-woman/


    As with so many issues, if it is perceived negatively it must be the work of someone on the left. This took longer than most to get the blame shifted but apparently the shooter is not  a republican(apparently conservative rantings about Obama don't indicate anything.) and is someone who identifies  as a woman.  Therefore once again this is the nefarious left in action again.  Probably part of their master plan to grab your guns. Good solid patriots have once again uncovered the plot and saved the country.  If not a lefty plot it has to be the bank robbery story, because really why would anyone who is a conservative target a planned parenthood clinic?  //snarkoff

  12. I know that, I believe I. Pinning the policy to whomever makes it. Both sides have created a climate for the upward flow of wealth. What I learned over thanksgiving is that liberals/democrats/progressives are 100% behind it..,in the minds of family members.

  13. I generally don't talk politics at family gatherings. This year I decided to listen and participate a little.  Among things I learned were: There have been no attempts to repeal Obamacare, George Bush was a liberal, The concentration of wealth in an upward direction that is occurring these days is a liberal issue due to liberal policies, income redistribution is a liberal issue (more true than any statement heard), congress has no right to regulate commerce (that pesky commerce clause does not exist apparently), not expanding the debt ceiling is no big issue, just cut spending (it's that simple), Solar power is less energy efficient and worse for the environment than coal, Donald Trump makes sense and other such gems.  In a nutshell, everything that is bad or perceived as bad with this country  is the result of liberals and democrats, the good stuff is due to unregulated free market capitalism and conservatism and compromise is a bad thing. So that is pretty much the last time I talk politics with family.

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