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John Smith

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Posts posted by John Smith

  1. So they should just create jobs out of thin air? Companies tend to hire people when they NEED people.

    The company I work for (fortune 25) has gone on an austerity kick to pump/ pimp share price. We have cut staff and not replaced our natural attrition losses. I can't speak for other areas but my area had lost staff and had an increase in tasks assigned. We are expected to be on call 24-7 if needed. So the work is being created it is just being spread over the current staff. We are probably 1.5 people short in my group of 4. So in my small corner of the world the work is there but no new job has been created.


    Also it has been said many times that corporate profits equals jobs and that is not at all true. Frequently profits are pumped by cutting jobs. That's what happens when Wall Street dictates how a company is run.

  2. it used to bother me when a person from one side of the political spectrum wholly dismissed everything said by a person holding a specific belief or beliefs on the other side of the spectrum.


    e.g. when a liberal would basically take the position that he/she couldn't take seriously anything said by someone who is pro-life or a creationist.


    But lately I'm finding that it's more and more difficult for me to lend any credence or open-mindedness to someone who opposes gay marriage.


    are most of you able to keep an open mind and listen to specific points and issues, or do you wholly dismiss things based on the person speaking?

    For me it's all how it's presented. For instance the Beck/Palin approach will never work with me. Unfortunately that is to common, and no the left has nothing approaching those two as viewed through the lens of their approach and popularity.


    When I was going through basic training I was about five years olderand more educated than the average recruit. Because of this yelling I'm my face was not going to work. It took the drills a couple of weeks to figure out that talking to me got much better results. It's just how I am

  3. You know it would be a fair point if she supported tax increases, which she does not. The thing about the GOP is they decry the debt and the horrible things it will bring. But the only way they see to solve our debt crisis is to decrease spending, but really on things they don't like. And it should be noted that government spending is way down under Obama and yet the debt is increasing. So if you believe the deficit spending is bad you have to do a mixture of decreasing in spending and revenue increases (aka taxes). But you will never every see Sarah Palin or any GOPer say that. So really it is just talk, the TEA party doesn't care about the debt, they just don't want the government to spend money on things they don't like. So they use the hyperbolic statements of fear.

    This is absolutely true but you can't convince them of it. They still think tax cuts pay for themselves, the economy was good and debt/deficit were near $0 till Obama went on a spending spree. They ignore 2001 news stories that discussed the deficits that were going to result from the tax cuts, and prefer to focus on cuts paying for themselves rhetoric. They also love to compare their personal spending habits to a national economy. Drives me crazy how uneducated our population is on economics and how politicians capitalize on the ignorance.

  4. I know many people who take her seriously and think that what she says makes total sense. Several have traveled hundreds if miles to see her speak and would gladly vote for her for president. But I live in a very rural very conservative region.


    I just see her as an opportunist taking advantage of every opportunity to keep her profile high and grab the cash. I wonder what happened to the Palin they tried to paint her as when she worked on bipartisan stuff in Alaska. From the moment she took the stage with McCain she's been a fire breather. So I give her credit for seeing where the path to cash was. I guess that's something.

  5. "The president tried to claim that that would be the case, but it's now clear that it's untrue."

    Are we talking about finding WMD in Iraq again? Or perhaps we are discussing "these tax cuts will pay for themselves"? Or "read my lips, no new taxes" Face it presidents say things that are either not true and they know it when they say it or believe it and it does not turn out the way it was intended. It happens all the time, this is not the first time something like this has happened.


    Also I go back to what Paul Ryan said about Republicans writing a great portion of the law as well as them being the original source of the whole mandate idea, yet anger and vitriol from the right only gets directed at PBO. Seems like there were more cooks in the kitchen than are being acknowledged.  Then only reason this is being focused on is in order to arouse hatred of Obama.  Here we are a couple years into the republicans controlling the house and strangling the Senate and what have they proposed that is actually related to helping the economy? Nothing tthat I can think of.





  6. if we as a society are wiling to pay a smelly 20something $20 million to throw a baseball we shouldn't be that shocked that our governments bend over and supply the lube when it comes to stadiums and megadomes.

    The jesters and gladiators are now amongst the highest paid in society.

  7. Im a White Sox and Bears fan and would not have lost one minute of sleep had either team left, but the powers that be decided to give them both a ton of money. The government does not build or pay for physical facilities for companies yet sports teams seem to get what they want.

  8. What he said. The government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to force Americans to buy insurance and they can't even get that right. Let's not put them in charge of everything.

    Imagine how it would have turned out if the republicans had cooperated? They participated because it is their idea, Paul Ryan said they wrote a major chunk of the law, yet they wanted nothing to do with it. See states like MN and KY where implementation was a thusly put forth and they are succeeding. Oh we'll at this point we can only imagine what might have been.



    On an unrelated issue, anyone from GA here? How do you feel about the braves move? I think it's bull shit. Not that they are moving, but that they are expecting the tax payers to foot the bill for their stadium. That's wrong wrong wrong in my book.

  9. I was in the service on 1982 and my unit got a warning order right after the marine barracks bombing. The order was rescinded within a week or so , I have no idea why. But very shortly after Beirut we invaded Grenada and public attention was diverted. If I remember correctly there was little public anger directed at the administration, not at all like the current faux anger. Nope almost all of the anger was directed at the Palestinians and. The only fall out was with how the marines and military In general handled security. Concrete barriers were erected around the White House and Ronnie suffered zero fallout. Nothing like what is happening with Benghazi occurred back then , Nothing. Obama would have been In prison if that had happened on his watch.

  10. Right, plausible deniability. I, and you know exactly what your implications were intended to be. This is where I call out your dishonesty and you call out my impugning your character. We choose the time and place , secure our seconds, update our wills and in the end no one is any better for it. I will say you've done a masterful redirecting the conversation from the faux outrage to this mess.

    Oh and I'm done with the topic it grows tiresome.

  11. But you used the cnn story to bolster your claims that Iraq had/was working in WMD when in fact the very information you supplied was known, tagged and stored under seal prior to our invasion. Snopes refutes that.


    Now, before you say "I didn't say that" the implications and intent of your posting was eminently clear. If that was not your intention, them please do explain why you would choose to insert that particular story at that point in the discussion?

  12. Do you actually read this stuff? Both articles are talking about the same yellow cake being under seal prior to the invasion and shipped to Canada. If you can't see that then all I can say is whatever.


    Speaking of losing credibility the "expert eyewitness" 60 Minutes used for their Benghazi blowout conspiracy story actually was nowhere neat the compound and was eyewitness to zilch. I wonder what else he fibbed about. Once again the "Liberally Biased" press spent a year investigating and darn it they missed out on fav checking again. How on earth can media matters find out information and vet documents in a few days that the liberally biased press can't discover in a year of solid investigating? Bias my ass.

  13. I think PBO's link indicated what needed to be fact checked. I can't believe I even had to

    Post that.


    You know when I knew positively that the government knew that they were not going to find any WMD? The very first time they said they found some. They announced it and got the press there to report it and the first thing wrong I saw was 'military' NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) techs opening drums of what they were selling as the most deadly toxins known to man. The problem was that these guys were wearing fatigues, t shirts and protective masks. They should have been wearing full protective fear MOPP IV and the press should not have been there. So I knew it was a charade.


    But that is really not the point of this discussion the point is actually the faux outrage over everything that occurs in the White House today and the unequal outrage before.

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