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John Smith

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Posts posted by John Smith

  1. Ted is a guy I have always had trouble with going all the way back to the 70's. Without even taking his over the top political rhetoric into account (which is a money maker for him) he has always been kind of a dick. That being said he has made some music that I do love in spite of himself. He has not been relevant in music for 30yrs or more so I guess he has to do more than just the oldies circuit to keep his name out there.

  2. I saw them once and was underwhelmed. Sure they had. All the bells and whistled with their multimedia stage show, but the overall performance was not the awe inspiring event I was led to believe it would be. I checked with friends who were at the show and they had the mystical life changing experience they always have seeing the band live, so it's not like it was a sub oar night for the band.

  3. Face it as science has the ability to answer more and more questions regarding the world around us and the universe the less mystery there is for faith to answer. It's all a matter of how the bible is interpreted but I've long believed that "god" and "satan " reside within all of us and that people far more clever than me have co-opted the notion of god, good and evil etc... So thoroughly through the ages that reconciling the known and the unknown could be nearly possible.

  4. One thing that people most often do not take into account when discussing evolution v creationism is time. When you only have 6,000 years to deal with there just is not enough time for evolution to occur. However when dealing with 6,000,000,000 years there is ample enough time to have billions and billions of genetic mutations occurring successfully and unsuccessfully.


    As to what came before the Big Bang? Who knows. One theory is that there have been multiple big bangs and multiple universe collapses occurring over and over. When dealing with god and the universe there is always the questions about what happened the day before the Big Bang or what is outside the universe.empty time and space? Or a supreme being controlling it all?

  5. When we look at these lists and respond how many of us actually put down players, bands, songs etc that we like and are familiar with and how many toss out named to be included? I only ask because I hear keys in songs and enjoy some, like Roy Bittan, but I never really think of keys ayers outside of the context of a band or song. Maybe it's my ignorance of the instrument and probably how I view it within the context of the sound. Just a thought/comment.

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