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ms. yvon

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Posts posted by ms. yvon

  1. here is a pic of the set posted on deadline hollywood: the set is actually taller and has a set of ducts at the top of the proscenium. and it is wider. at stage left is a bedroom and bathroom, to the right, the phone (can & string system :monkey )and kitchen.


    my co-worker is going tonight. i can't wait to talk to him about it tomorrow!


  2. oh, good! i hope that the audiences continue to be filled with people who have a real affection for this odd world and its characters. in los angeles you get those crowds of "got this ticket for free-nothing to do-i'm too cool for this" people. if you're not yelling in response to the secret word, well, i just don't know what to do with you. :yeaahh


    after the show, before the curtain was drawn, a lot of people were snapping pix of the stage, but i didn't find any online to post here. that's a good thing, i suppose. ;)

  3. thanks for the spoiler how to, dude!


    a few details...



    --there was a curtain across the stage at the start of the show. pee-wee came out in a spot light, standing ovation, crowd going bananas, as the applause settled down he greeted us with, "good morning, boys and girls!" to which everyone in the theatre responded, "good morning, pee-wee!" :lol an american flag on a flag stand appeared stage left and he led us all in the Pledge. we sat down, the curtains opened and revealed the playhouse set! BRIGHT, CRAZY! FANTASTIC! he walked around the set greeting all the puppets: globey, the fish, the flowers, clocky, chairey!, window, concky and magic screen.


    --the secret word is: FUN!


    --the first character to come out was Mailman Mike!


    --Pterri flew in to tell pee-wee how much he loved flying


    the basic story of this show is the same as the original: pee-wee longs to fly, and miss yvonne wishes for cowboy curtis to like her (of course, it was Kap'n Karl in the original. and, instead of monsieur le croc (again phil h.) signing ms. y up for a dating service, it was randy the puppet.) but that provides a frame work for all the antics.


    -the one moment i keep thinking of is a duet between pee-wee and chairey singing of how special they are to each other. chairey dances!! i actually gasped when she started to move around! somehow this was sooo lovely. not every boy has a dog, i guess. :lol


    --they showed the grade-school manners film comparing nice children to "mr. bungle," and king of cartoons presented the "balloon land" cartoon. (the king o' c. was terrific!). when they showed clips and films a giant screen with a sparkly frame was lowered in front of the stage.


    my descriptions are falling a bit flat...imagine before every character walked on, mr. window would say, "someone's coming"



    more later!



    boy howdy, the crowd was on their feet as soon as paul reubens walked on stage. to quote another fan, "never seen a crowd lose its collective mind as it did for pee wee herman". the stage was FANTASTIC, colorful, wacky shapes: the original set design of the tv playhouse and then some. everytime a character was introduced, the crowd cheered. such a feeling i tell you. :wub


    there was a receiving line of sorts for autographs and 3 words w/each of the cast after the show. i had them all autograph my program. almost all of them signed their character names.


    i don't want to spell out any of the moments or plot as the show just opened last night, so i don't want to post anything that will diminish the feeling of going in w/o knowing what to expect.


    i took the subway from work downtown for the show. when i got back to hollywood, i went for a late night waffle, got to bed pretty late. this morning i woke up early to rain. so today i am feeling like i saw a wonderful show and woke up to los angeles after a rain: pretty fucking fantastic. :love

  5. tomorrow night is opening night of the Pee Wee Herman Show revival in los angeles! i've got a ticket and am soooooo excited.


    in case it isn't terribly obvious, my username, ms. yvon, was a nickname given me by friends during the heyday of the original run of the live show in 1986 or so.


    anyone else in l.a. going to any of the shows?


  6. We have a line on a local non-spiritual charity thats serves the Chicagoland community and we WILL have letters. Please consider writing WBEZ 848 and maybe we can all get the ball rolling! Thanks guys!

    email address- 848@chicagopublicradio.org

    heather, i love that you're making a point to find non-spiritual charity. seems like that opens up who you might be able to help.


    will drop a line to WBEZ, too. :cheers


    bbop: please consider giving matt walsh a kiss on the cheek from me. i'll give you five bucks and a kogi burrito. thanks in advance.

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