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Saint Genevieve

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Posts posted by Saint Genevieve

  1. A reality show crew is documenting the blog entry I'm working on about this thread - I'll start a thread containing a YouTube link to it once the deal with Apple is hashed out.


    Awesome - I'm hoping to see an ad for it on TV soon.

  2. Bravo on using the holocaust to help explain why a semi-obscure former alt-country band having a song in a TV ad ruins the way you hear music.


    Godwin's Law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.

  3. Also, maybe I missed this, but what I don't get from the last episode was, wasn't hiro's dad working for linderman? Why did he want hero to stop the bomb if grandma and the other linderman folks were trying to get it to happen?


    Maybe he was double-crossing them the whole time?


    What I don't understand is, if Hiro is such a big science-fiction nerd, how come he doesn't recognize that his dad is Mr. Sulu? :huh

  4. What's your take on how Sylar survives? And why didn't Peter fly himself up to the deep skies and explode himself and then regenerate?


    Or Hiro could've carried him off somewhere remote and then skipped out before Peter went boom.


    I'm guessing Peter is still alive and Nathan is toast. Maybe Sylar will start up a revolution of mutants in the sewers.

  5. I understand your logic, St. G, and my only defense is that I do care about growers, if only because nearly every single album that means the most to me started as one. My life as a music fan is immeasurably richer because I bothered.


    That said, it's impossible to give every album the listening it deserves. I'm sure I own plenty of albums that would mean more to me if I had given them more of a chance. I put them aside to keep working on other records, so I don't see why you shouldn't make the same choice regarding SBS. There's no formula for choosing which albums to invest in and which to give up on... it's largely a matter of instinct, and if your instinct is telling you there's nothing left in SBS to unpack, then you are probably right, at least for you.


    I have to say that all of my favorite albums grabbed me within the first few listens - YHF and Summerteeth, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, Skylarking, and Daydream Nation, to name but a few. My appreciation for them grew over time - they didn't become my favorites right away - but each of them had something about them that caught my attention right away and held it. With YHF, for instance, it was the weirdness of IATTBYH and the poppiness of "Kamera"; with Aeroplane, it was Jeff Mangum's voice and lyrics. I might just have a different listening style that fosters impatience with slow growers, or maybe I'm just getting old and cranky. :hmm

  6. The joke will be on him when I make it a motherfucking mainstream lifestyle.


    That being said, I hope I can live just as long and do twice the good he did; I think if we each pick someone and do that, the world will be a better place*.


    Let's see, two times nothing is... carry the one...

  7. It's a grower you just have to give it a chance.


    You know what? I don't care about "growers." If an album doesn't grab me in the first few listens, why should I bother? Why should I listen to an uninteresting album twenty times in the hopes that it MIGHT "grow on me" when I could be listening to something that actually moves me? This finally occurred after listening to SBS yet again in the spirit of "giving it another chance" and realizing I'd rather just listen to YHF instead. :hmm


    SBS is a pleasant, inconsequential album by a band which is capable of so much more. I don't hear much that's challenging, moving, memorable, attention-grabbing, thought-provoking, innovative, or even catchy and fun - which all of Wilco's previous albums (even the much-maligned AM) have delivered in spades. It's not a terrible album by any means, but "not terrible" is hardly the same as "brilliant." And no matter how many times I listen to it, I still feel the same way - and so do a lot of other people, by the sound of it. Will we all magically be converted on the 57th listen? Maybe - or maybe in a few years - but I somehow doubt it. I really don't want to waste any more of my time when there's so much better stuff out there.

  8. After having finally pulled it together enough to actually read this review, I can't say I find a whole lot of fault with his analysis, despite the fact that I clearly like the album more than the reviewer does. I would have substituted "Handshake Drugs" for "At Least That's What You Said" for the soft-rock-plus-solos comparison, and he's probably projecting his expectations a little, but overall I thought it was pretty accurate.


    Yeah, for once I actually agree with a Pitchfork review - I even agree about the (very few) stand-out tracks.


    Funny, 'cos I didn't agree with his assessment of AGIB at all.

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