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Saint Genevieve

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Posts posted by Saint Genevieve

  1. And naturally the Go Fug Yourself gals are on the case.


    I can honestly say I've never before looked a photo of Cate Blanchett and feared she might have a passing interest in eating my brain.


    They also claim that she's "gearing up to play a cancer patient," which may explain it, but still... :hmm

  2. MY big question has to do with Claire. It's clear that in the future claire survived (up until she was caught by sylar). This means that sylar didn't have claires powers when he was stabbed with Hiro's sword. This means he should have died, unless he already has some regenerationish powers. It just doesn't make sense that hiro is going into the past to save claire when claire is alive and sylar doesn't have his powers.


    Yeah, that part really confused me. Apparently Hiro did alter the future by going back in time to get Peter to save Claire, but it didn't make any difference - Claire survived, but the world was still fucked up anyway.


    Also, how could someone as batshit as Sylar pose as the president for so long? You'd think he'd lose it after a month or two and try to eat someone's brains during a live press conference.


    Oh well, I'll just distract myself from the plot holes by staring dreamily at Milo Ventimiglia. :dribble

  3. I've given the album a few listens now, and I'm still pretty meh about it. The songs are pretty and pleasant, but there's nothing that really stands out to me. I can't even pick out a favorite song because they all blur together in my mind. Wilco's other albums - even the much-maligned AM - have all grabbed me from the very first listen. I didn't always love them right away, but they held my attention and kept it. SBS doesn't do that. I keep listening to it more out of a sense of duty than anything else - Wilco are my favorite band, so I feel like I ought to give the album more of a chance than I might with some other band.


    I'm hoping that hearing more of the songs performed live might change my mind about the album, but since I've already heard several of them live already, I'm not sure if that's going to happen. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. :hmm

  4. On the one hand, I'm glad it wasn't Daniel Johnston naked (see the article directly above the Of Montreal one).


    On the other hand, I'm EXTREMELY disappointed it wasn't Wayne Coyne naked (see the article directly below the Of Montreal one).


    If it had been Wayne naked, I probably would take off work, too. :pirate

  5. There's a conference I wanted to go to over the weekend, but I was vacillating about it because that's when the Big bands are playing (the Stooges, etc.). But from the sound of it, I'd have better luck seeing the smaller showcases during the week.


    Hmm, what to do, what to do...

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