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Saint Genevieve

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Posts posted by Saint Genevieve

  1. I went into labour shortly before 1:00 on Monday morning and left for the hospital around 8:30 am. Fortunately, I was able to have a natural birth, as I'd hoped (with a little "laughing gas" to take the edge off the contractions during transition - hey, I'm no martyr!). Hannah was born at 1:36 that afternoon. Hiring a doula was definitely a smart move and Doug was also amazingly supportive in the delivery room despite having spent the last week and a half working on the house with little or no sleep each night.


    I'm really glad everything went so well. :cheekkiss


    I somehow suspect Hannah is going to be a huge Neil Young fan. I have no idea what makes me think that, though. ;)

  2. As some of you might know, I quit my midwifery apprenticeship here in Austin. At 11:30 today, I'm interviewing for another apprenticeship - this is my second interview with these midwives, which is a good sign, but a good dose of those ol' VC vibes would still really hit the spot right now.


    Thanks, kids. :cheekkiss

  3. On a separate note: If you could be a plant, and you knew that the music you were exposed to directly affected your health and well-being, what kind of plant would you be, and what kind of music would you want your caretaker to play?


    I would be one of those plants that only blooms every 100 years, and I would listen to the Kinks.

  4. Revolver - The Beatles

    Village Green Preservation Society - The Kinks

    Moondance - Van Morrison

    In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel

    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - Wilco

    Daydream Nation - Sonic Youth

    Underwater Moonlight - The Soft Boys

    English Settlement - XTC

    The Soft Bulletin - Flaming Lips

    Marquee Moon - Television

    Imperial Bedroom - Elvis Costello

    Black Foliage - Olivia Tremor Control


    (yes, I know that's more than ten.)

  5. I needed a box to keep all my new perfume samples in, so I bought a plain wood box at a hobby store, lined it with florist's foam, and added some decorations...






    Why chickens? I have no idea. :unsure


    tracy, your beads are STUNNING!! :worship

    as i have now had the opportunity to see them up close and personal, i am awed by your color combos and technique. damn.




    and, thank you for the package! :love


    Yes, they are awesome beads.


    And the Bag of Fate is equally awesome. :yay

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