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Nobody Girl

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Posts posted by Nobody Girl

  1. *Tip jars at places like Starbucks and fast-food restaurants.

    *People who make stupid jokes about how quiet I am. ("You need to keep it down over there." Like I haven't heard that one a million times.)

    *People who don't understand that not everyone works 9-5 and act like I'm some kind of lazy bum because I'm still asleep at, say, noon on a weekday.

    *People who block the aisle at the grocery store while they have personal conversations. This isn't your living room, people.

    *People who wash their hands and don't dry them -- and then touch things I have to touch. (OK, really only my dad does this.)

    *People who hold the door for me when I'm a million miles away.

    *People who spit on the sidewalk.

    *People who throw trash on the ground and act like the Earth is their personal garbage can.


    Pet peeves, driving edition

    *People who signal as they're turning. (Why bother at that point?)

    *People who tailgate me when I'm in the slow lane (and if you really need to tailgate me, turn off your freaking bright lights).

    *People who won't get out of the fast lane even though they're driving slower than molasses. Then when you try to pass them, they speed up.

    *People who aren't going anywhere near highway speeds when they try to merge onto the interstate.



    I hate (and this is a recent phenomenon - like in the last ten years) when they ask "How is everything tasting?"

    And it seems like they always ask that right when you've just taken a huge bite of food. And along those lines, I hate it when the cashier at the grocery stores asks, "Did you find everything you were looking for?" Or when they ask if that's all I have when clearly there are no more items in my cart.



    - Spoilers on cars. If you're not in some kind of real auto race, you don't need a spoiler. (OK, maybe that's not one of my top peeves)

    They're not only useless, but they're also ugly.

  2. Perhaps as a result (or maybe not), they also slightly changed up their planned encore. The printed list had Red-Eyed and Blue>I Got You (At The End of the Century) and I'm A Wheel. But they nixed Red-Eyed/I Got You and did The Late Greats instead.


    Aw. Red-Eyed and Blue>I Got You was really the only thing on my wish list these past two nights. Still a great show, though.

  3. yes they were great. they also had to speed things up, rush on to the next song, etc though to get through them because Box Full of Letters was added in by Jeff and they had to beat curfew.

    That was pretty much the exact same tempo they played I'm A Wheel at on Monday night, too.

  4. What a fun show! I love Beulah but don't really know anything about Miles outside of his music. Turns out he's a pretty funny dude.


    I think he played everything from the new album (I'm terrible at remembering set lists) plus a few Beulah tunes. "Landslide Baby," "Popular Mechanics for Lovers" and "Emma Blowgun's Last Stand" were played in their entirety. He tried playing other Beulah songs but just couldn't remember them. The result: the audience shouting out songs and Miles playing a couple of verses (with cues from the audience on the lyrics). At one point he quipped: "I'm going to ask an honest question: Do you guys think I should know how to play these?"


    Another funny moment: "Handsome Western States. That's a piece of shit." He then joked about how rich that album made him and how he could show us pictures of all the great things it allowed him to buy.


    He also said he didn't really want to tour but felt he owed it to the record label. And that he wasn't really as much of a dick as he seemed in "A Good Band Is Easy To Kill" but that the movie showed the three minutes he was really cranky.


    Anyway, here's my feeble attempt at rock photography with an iPhone:



  5. YHF










    1. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

    2. Summerteeth

    3. Being There

    4. A Ghost Is Born

    5. Sky Blue Sky

    6. AM

    7. Wilco (The Album)



    3. SBS (is "You Are My Face" one of the most beautiful -- and kickass -- songs ever, or what?)



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