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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. It's really good stuff. The musical performances are outstanding.
  2. I'm sure that is what is making this place deader than normal this morning.
  3. Had two needles in my arm, bled in a vial, got tape on my chest, pissed in a cup, had a finger up my butt...in another circumstance, it might have been a fun night.
  4. Kinda neat that the TNT/TBS broadcasts are using Land of Hope and Dreams in the promos...
  5. I note to you that as of game six, I have as many hits in the ALCS as does A-Rod .
  6. The generational comparison for Tom Waits is Bruce Springsteen. The Stones were already Rock Gods when Tom was still doing the non-growling voice songs.
  7. Compare this to Sir Paul's latest release. Dylan is the only other artist of that generation making new music that isn't a curio piece.
  8. Goats Head Soup is actually not a bad record at all. The production is a tad spotty, but the performances are really strong and there are some real gems on there. Keith was riffing and Mick T. was soaring. I used to really slag off on it, but time and tide have afforded me a perspective that allows me to appreciate this record more.. However, It's Only Rock 'N Roll is the absolute nadir...until you get to BLACK AND BLUE.
  9. Wow...I don't know how much of that was the Nats yakking it up and how much of it was the Cards experience.
  10. When you wrote the forumla that everybody else copies, you probably get carte blance to use it as you see fit
  11. lol Jay-Z/Kayne --- Watch the Throne Outkast --- Stankonia, Speakerboxxx/The Love Below Jay-Z/Beatles --- The Grey Album
  12. Now there's not a damn thing wrong with that. Charlie is pounding the shit out of the drums and Keef is riffing. Nice.
  13. Hamilton is a big, dumb child. If he was so intent of being obedient to God, well, quit the dip after LAST season. The distraction and his mid season slide were avoidable with a little forethought. He is a magnificent talent, but he can be such a distraction. He is proving to be brittle after years of abusing his body. Deep down, although I would love to see him in the middle of that lineup for years to come, I think the team might be better off without him. Now Wash and JD won't have to worry about those 3am calls with Josh getting loaded in a bar somewhere.
  14. I bumped this ancient thread because thanks to my son, I now have three Rap CDs in my collection. Guess which ones.
  15. I burn out on Wilco...but never this place. Go Figure
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