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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I know this stuff is really uncomfortable to talk or even think about, but colo-rectal cancer screening is not something that should be avoided or dreaded.


    I get really pissed off when I see Letterman making fun of the colonoscopy screenings for the early signs of colo/rectal that are broadcast on Morning TV shows. This is some really serious shit (no pun intended), and the process is, all things being equal, really not bad...and it can save your life.


    I had bought into the fear mongering and put mine off for two years. Almost a fatal mistake.

    Glad I got mine and I hope when you guys are of age that you get yours.

  2. I bet the first few shows they close with 'the weight' or 'i shall be released'


    I am so so so so so so pumped for the show in 2 weeks. almost 2 weeks exactly in fact. we are camping out all day at the venue to ensure front row status. :rock :rock :rock :rock :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :D :D :D


    i think those little guys accurately express my emotion.


    I hope they had a good break, really, because that means they will rock extra hard.

    Been requesting A Magazine Called Sunset every day for like 2 weeks now with different reasons why I love the band in the comment section. hope it makes whoever reads those comments laugh.


    I don't think it would be "I shall be released"...that is more of a Richard Manuel song.

    "The Weight", "Strawberry Wine", "Up on Cripple Creek"...those are ones I would roll out...

  3. The more issues for the Angels, the better.


    Well one thing is for sure: The Rangers are a really good team this year; possibly better than last year.

    If Nathan hadn't served up a couple of turkeys, they would be 12-0. And before they hit Beantown, the bats were really not there. Now that they are starting to hit...watch out.

  4. I suspect this election will be like 2004 in reverse. Very few people I know who voted for Kerry were actually voting for him; most of us were casting a vote against Bush. I think many/most people voting for Romney in the fall will be doing it as a vote against Obama more than anything else.


    Not saying that's wrong; just my observation based on how the Republicans I know are talking about their choices in general, and Romney in particular.


    It wasn't enough for Kerry; we'll have to see if it's going to be enough for Romney.


    Or like 1996

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