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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Been playing 3:30- 3:45 sets...end Europe Tour with this....ARE YOU KIDDING ME....JUST F....ING EPIC


    Pre- show treat: 18:30

    Bruce comes out early to "Thank fans for following" him on tour...




    3. No Surrender

    4. For You








    2. Night

    3. Out In The Street

    4. Loose Ends

    5. We Take Care of Our Own

    6. Prove It All Night (78 Intro)

    7. Wrecking Ball

    8. Death To My Hometown

    9. My City of Ruins

    10. Does This Bus Stop @ 82nd Street? (request)

    11. Be True

    12. Jack of All Trades

    13. Downbound Train

    14. Because The Night

    15. Lonesome Day

    16. Darlington County

    17. Light Of Day (request)

    18. Shackled & Drawn

    19. Waitin' On a Sunny Day


    21. The Rising

    22. Badlands

    23. Land of Hope & Dreams


    24. We Are Alive

    25. Born In The USA

    26. Born To Run


    28. Glory Days

    29. Dancing In The Dark

    30. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out

    31. I DON'T WANNA GO HOME (request)


    33. Twist & Shout (song ended @ 23:57)


    Bruce mentions the 4 hour mark and leaves stage @ 23:59


    4 hours & 6 minutes (not including solo "preshow:)


    Bruce REALLY like his new record. By the End of the Magic and Working on a Dream tours, he had basically dropped most of the tunes from his set lists.

  2. I read an interview with Nils the other day - he said he didn't think American audiences could handle a show that long.



    Also - here is a rather long article about Bruce by way of the New Yorker magazine - We Are Alive - Bruce Springsteen at sixty-two.




    But, unlike the Rolling Stones, say, who have not written a great song since the disco era and come together only to pad their fortunes as their own cover band, Springsteen refuses to be a mercenary curator of his past.


    Sorry Stones fans...this is RIGHT on the mark.

  3. I can live with two low-level prospects for Ryan Dempster. But I'm still skeptical of the Rangers' chances to make the postseason this year.


    I'm really glad they didn't touch Profar, Olt or Perez.

    One good thing about this summer...It may hasten the arrival of the two golden children of the Rangers' minor leagues. I can see Kinsler being trundled off to Left Field and Young not tendered another contract. This would open up a space for Profar to move to second and Olt to make the bigs as a DH/1b/3b option.

  4. I can live with two low-level prospects for Ryan Dempster. But I'm still skeptical of the Rangers' chances to make the postseason this year.



    Still a little early to panic..but it is looking really grim.


    Hamilton, Napoli and Young have been a black hole in the lineup,.Kinsler isn't getting on base. It's really sad when the biggest story for a team with this potential offense is the emergence of Craig Gentry...and he isn't in the lineup everyday.


    Hamilton's collapse has been eerie to watch. I keep envisioning lepruchans carting off bank bags filled with $100 bills with every strikeout and 0-fer.He will be lucky to get a journeyman's contract after this two month collapse.

  5. I'm really glad everyone is now concerned with protecting the university who's president and head coach facilitated a couple decades of child abuse...where were these bleeding hearts when schools were getting shut down for slipping a couple hundred bucks to a recruit.


    How ironic that Paterno was so sanctimonious when it came to paying players...

  6. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/deep-purple-keyboardist-jon-lord-dead-at-71-20120716






    Deep Purple Keyboardist Jon Lord Dead at 71


    Co-wrote many of their biggest hits, including 'Smoke on the Water'





    Jon Lord of Deep Purple in the 1970s.

    Fin Costello/Redferns


    By Rolling Stone

    July 16, 2012 2:25 PM ET

    Deep Purple keyboardist Jon Lord, who played with the pioneering hard rock band from their formation in 1968 through his retirement in 2002, died in London today from a pulmonary embolism after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 71.

    Lord co-founded Deep Purple in 1968 and co-wrote many of their biggest hits, including "Smoke on the Water," "Black Night" and "Strange Kind of Woman." The band initially had a softer sound, scoring hits with covers of Billy Joe Royal's "Hush" and Neil Diamond's "Kentucky Woman" in 1968. The next year they recuited new singer Ian Gillan and quickly developed their signature hard rock sound on classic albums like Machine Head and Fireball. During this time the group regularly changed members, with Lord being one of the few constants.

    Two years after the group split in 1976, Lord began a six-year stint in Whitesnake. He also guested on albums with some of the biggest names in rock, including George Harrison and David Gilmour. He rejoined Deep Purple when they reformed in 1984, and stayed with the group in 2002.


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    Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/deep-purple-keyboardist-jon-lord-dead-at-71-20120716#ixzz20pq881K8

  7. Even though the Rangers have the second best record in baseball, I have an uneasy feeling about this team.


    Young, Napoli and Cruz have been mired in varying degrees of slumps. And now Hamilton is an 0 for 2 from his average dipping below .300.


    The pitching is strong, but there are some holes in the lineup that really need to be addressed.

  8. I was listening to Bill Press this morning and he made some really good comments. One of the points was he gave the same speech he has been giving all along, with the simple message I am going to repeal Obamacare. He really missed an opportunity to speak to the African American Community. He could have pointed out that Obama is not speaking to the NAACP and he is (pointing out that Obama is taking the black vote for granted, and he will do x y and z for African Americans and the American people), instead he was just speaking to speak not to the group. It enforced my belief that little substance.


    Though I think it was highly disrespectful of the audience to boo, when he mentioned repeal. You may not like what he has to say, but your group invited him to speak you listen to what he has to say. The NAACP is a powerful organization can express their views in better and more constructive ways.


    Does anybody really think that ANYTHING Romney says or does will win anything remotely resembling a less than nominal portion of the African American vote?


    He stated his message and the NAACP rudely received him. What else is new?


    Last word on the subject from me, most likely. Like I said, it's really not important to me. While documented voter fraud is low now, one of the reasons why is it's difficult to prove. If I'm a registered voter who usually doesn't vote. How would I ever know someone is voting in my name?? There are historical cases of serious voter fraud, see the Wikipedia link about the 1960 election.


    The potential exists for a great deal of fraud to be perpetrated when voter rolls contain the names of lots of dead people is huge. Because it hasn't happened in the recent past doesn't mean it cannot.


    Low cost photo IDs are available in my state and a couple of others I researched. If a photo ID law passes and is well publicized, I do not view it as a "cancer".


    One note in support of the opponents. When reading up on this last night, I came across a right wing article. In the comments section, one person said "You need a photo ID to do just about anything, even get on a plane." It made me chuckle to think about a person who's so disconnected from poverty to realize that many, many people never get on an airplane.


    Get on a plane, cash a check, rent a video, buy alcohol or cigarettes in a grocery store...


    Who would have thought that the NAACP and Kansas City baseball fans would both show such rude behavior? :wave

  9. I think this is true of most sets of fans, as far as the out-of-whack love of obscure, unreleased material. I remember when I was on a huge Radiohead kick and I had to have every B-side, every unreleased song, every rare live song or cover, etc. I was convinced that they were all excellent. Listening to them later, there may have only been a couple that were truly worth it.


    I picture us as a bunch of Kristen Schaals.

  10. Poverty=Purity, eh? The music industry is less profitable than ever, except for the absolute lowest common denominator. I'd rather have Wilco music in a commercial than not at all. Right now, that's a false choice, but that's the direction the industry is moving. It's not 1985 any more.


    Hell...it's not even 2007 anymore.

    I must admit that I will turn to my (now 18 year old) son and say something along the lines of "who is that? that is a pretty cool song...we may have to pick that one up" whenever a song comes on a commercial.

    It's a new world, mabe not so brave, but certainly it ain't your dad's world. Radio, with very rare exceptions, caters to the lowest common denominator. Even satellite radio is not really cutting edge. Television commercials are now simply a very viable means of exposing 30 seconds or so of a song to an audience that may not even know it wants it.

    That is what advertising is about...and if my favorite band can co-opt to system to make money that will allow them to pursue their craft with greater ease, than maybe you guys need to start realizing that revolution is really being televised. It's just not the revolution you wanted it to be.

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