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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Yeah, my ears agree with yours, I have always heard him sing "plot device."




    And it just works so much better.


    With all the angst for producing a hit single off SUMMERTEETH, I have alwasy been somewhat surprised that Candyfloss was ingored and almost didn't even make the record.

    Back in the day, it's just the kind of song that could had caught the ears of teenage girls.

  2. I am not sure if we are talking about the big revel. I was talking about Oswin, not being a Dalek (which I did not see coming and was totally awesome).



    The fact that the actress playing Oswin, is the same actress that is set to play the new companion (Clara), set to make her debut in the Christmas episode. Also from Moffat's descriptions of Clara, seemed to be the same descriptions of Oswin.


    So is Oswin Clara? Or someone else entirely?



    Next week Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, and Mr. Weasly as Rory's dad!


    re: spoiler stuff

    That's my point! Mofat has really opened a can of worms...have we seen the demise of a future companion before she even appears? She did seem to be a bit familiar with the Doctor. I am really chuffed about this. (The big reveal being the Dalek stuff, not who Oswin was/is. They probably shouldn't have announcer her as a new companion. It would really have been a mind fuck to have her appear again after the end of ASYLUM OF THE DALEK'S.

    I'm thinking the 'Make them remember you' and "they've forgotten me" stuff MIGHT be important for this season. If you show a gun in act 1...

  3. I have loved this power pop masterpiece ever since I heard it. Today listening to the soundboard recording from 1999 (Bogart's, Cincinnati), I was reminded of the lyrical dispute...i distinctly hear something different than the official lyrics.



    In reading the lyrics as have been posted on supposedly authoritative sights, the first verse is as follows:


    I'm the boy who looks excited

    I'm the boy who's gonna fall apart

    Candyfloss I lie to myself...



    However, I distinctly hear the following


    I'm the boy who looks excited

    I'm the boy who's gonna fall apart

    Candyfloss a plot device ...


    It is even more pronounced later in the song.


    Now admittedly this is not a matter of great importance fourteen years after the fact, but I hear what I hear. "A plot device' fits in better with Jeff's literary themes and addas a bit of self awareness to the song that makes it even more charming.


    Thoughs? Questions? Comments? Cheers? Jeers?

  4. \I

    just saw it, the amy rory thing makes sense.


    also did not see the big revel coming. makes other spoilers seem super odd.


    eps rating 7.5/10


    The Amy Rory thing DID make sense.

    The big reveal was just right.


    I do wonder a bit at the bit about forgetting the predator...

    I think this one is an 8-8.5/10...a lot of good emotional stuff....Rory/Amy angst, Doctor fear, Orsin and all she entailed.

    Plus, some really nice interplay between the Prime Minister of the Daleks and the good Doctor.

  5. This is an avatar of me waiting for tonight...




    HOWEVER...watching the POND LIFE vignettes, I am concerned that Moffat is building upon a scenario (Amy and Rory having marital problems) that goes entirley counter to entire mythology of Rory and Amy (Rory being the lone Centaurian and protecting her for 2000 years...Amy's memory keeping them all alive...The Girl who waited) in order to build tension to move a story along.

  6. Kbraz, I think atticus was making a joke. Welcome to VC! :lol

    Of course, I could be wrong...wouldn't be the first time...


    Was a running joke...before a lot of the old regulars took a powder and bailed on participating on the board

  7. I'm glad this is cutting off at the 5th season. Great character arc. If it went on for longer, it'd get real boring.


    This season so far hasn't given me as many "OH SHIT!" moments like seasons 3-4. But I'm enjoying the hell out of it.



    Anybody else notice that all the wives on most AMC shows are total bitches? Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Walking Dead etc...

    ...the devil made me do it

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