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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.


    Waiting for the eventual mashup with Snakes on a Plane.


    Just a solid fun episode. Nothing too earth shattering like last weeks. I think is was more for the kids than anything else.


    No Owsin unfortunately.




    There was a very telling exchange between Amy and the Doctor about mortality and traveling with the Doctor...that and the fact that there is no recorded record of the existence of the Doctor.


    Something's brewing...

  2. I'm not really surprised, but a little disappointed that One Sunday Morning has all but disappeared from the setlists.


    While this is a truly wonderful song and was one of the highlights of the show I can see how it doesn't work in a live setting. When played with Poor Places and Art of Almost, it is dramatic and offers a definite emotional statement of purpose.


    Set opener or encore showcase, it seems to simply be too emotional and quiet to really work without certain contextural accomodations.

  3. I decided to tackle an impossible (for me) task:


    Ten favorite Springsteen songs


    The task seems insurmountable, but I decided to break his career arc into three phases .





    Lost in the Flood

    Spirit in the Night

    Thunder Road



    Born to Run

    Darkness on the Edge of Town

    Racing in the Streets

    Incident on 57th Street



    The Ties That Bind

    Independence Day

    The River

    The Price You Pay

    My Hometown

    Born in the USA

    State Trooper

    No Surrender

    Valentine’s Day

    Walk Like a Man


    If I should Fall behind (Wait for me)

    Human Touch

    Better Days

    Girls in their Summer Clothes

    The Ghost of Tom Joad

    Lonesome Day

    The Rising

    Long Walk Home

    Streets of Philadelphia

    Jack of all Trades


    As it is, I have left more than a few great songs off (Growing up, New York City Serenade, Badlands, Promised Land, Reason to Believe, Nebraska, Brilliant Disguise, Beautiful Reward, Book of Dreams, Straight Time. Another 10 right there.)


    As stab at the ten favorite Springsteen Songs:


    Girl in their Summer Clothes

    Lonesome Day

    Incident on 57th Street

    Lost in the Flood



    The River

    Racing in the Streets

    Streets of Philadelphia

    Born to Run


    This was really hard.

    I will have a totally different take tomorrow, but codifying it here will open up what could be a pretty interesting debate.


    (I don't have the guts to try this with Dylan. Just Not Gonna Do IT/)

  4. Do you mean back in 1999 this song would catch the ears of teenage girls?


    Why not?

    But it never had a stinking chance.

    Given the emotional and addictive state of various members of the band, not achieveing massive success is probably a good thing.

  5. From Forget the Flowers--

    You're trying my patience, try pink carnations, red roses, yellow Daffodils


    What I want to hear is:

    You're trying IMPATIENS, try pink carnations, red roses, yellow daffodils.


    Would keep with the flora theme...



    I confess I have apologized for Obama on these issues as a "lesser of evils" (excuse the cliche) argument. Bush marches the troops in by the thousand, and while Obama seems to do a decent job of marching them back home, he also sends drones to kill more specific targets. I think Obama sincerely looks to capture, detain, kill etc dangerous men who would hope to do harm to our nation. The problem is he continues (and in some ways extends) the Bush administration's habit of overstepping legal and ethical boundaries to do so.


    **Edit/ PS** I just stumbled across more of the bizarre footage of Eastwood at the RNC. At one point he digs into Obama for having the horrible idea to try convicted terrorists in NYC. Apparently Obama's brief flirtation with due process is worthy of derision.


    He might have 'marched them back home' from Iraq, but the body bags are still being filled in Afghanistan.

    And as for overstepping legal and ethical boundaries...if I remember correctly, Sadam Hussein stood trial in Iraq, was convicted and duly executed.

    While I shed no tears for bin Laden, Obama has not moral high ground to assert here. It was a revenge killing. That and the indiscriminate use of drones to attack targets in Countries we have not declared war against and the excessive civilians killed would earn Obama a place on the docket with Bush and Blair in the Hague.

    It's rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

  7. Sorry, I was crossing my attention between 2 threads. Still the MP3 though.


    The movie and TV industry managed to survive and thrive in the age of digital downloads...why not the music industry?


    Lack of imagination. Luddite thinking. Greed. Stupidity. Mismanagement. Short sightedness.


    But this is probably better suited for another thread. Don't want to sully the glory that is Candyfloss.

  8. i think youre confusing tongue in cheek/snarky blog posts designed to get web hits with music journalism.


    Same animal, different stripe. The buggy whip factory that is the hard copy music magaine/newspaper have been pushed to irrelevancy with the anarchy of the interwebs. These guys want web hits just like the magazines and newspapers wanted to sell you printed paper.


    It just makes me feel like an old man railing against 'progress' when it is in fact 'regress'.

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