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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. That is so funny that you would do that. My original post added something like, "However, if you are on the other side of the fence, it's really okay if you stay home because you feel demoralized. Please, feel free to sit this one out." :lol

    My internal editor got the better of me, and I deleted that part before posting.


    And in the financial news today....


    By the way, relatively to most Americans, households earning over $200K per year are rich. You may not think you are, but you know what? Rich people never think they are rich. They can always point to someone far, far richer and say, "That guy...he's rich."


    That is freaking hilarious. $200K per year is RICH? I can't even comment further on this statement because I find it so ludicrous.

  2. Turn the tables. Make the band act like losers, geeking out and blowing a fanboy load. How? Say, "Hi. I'm Jules from Via Chicago".


    This is the kind of stuff that got people in trouble a couple of years ago. Moving an issue with a member into another thread in a backhanded attack may be cute, but if the moderator's are consistent, will probably not be really smiled upon.

  3. I really don't know why either of these guys would want to be President the next four years.


    We are headed for a total economic meltdown and neither one of these guys appear to have enough on the ball to even have a hope of addressing the economic problem, much less the problems with the Muslim world, the Chinese and the North Koreans.


    At least we won't have to hear 'it's not my fault' anymore when Obama gets re-elected...maybe. Eventually he'll get to own this mess as at least being partly his doing.

  4. Since my Springsteen top ten went nowhere, and since I am on a Keith kick, let's try the favorite 10 Rolling Stones Songs


    In no particular order

    • Can't you hear me Knocking
    • Gimme Shelter
    • Wild Horses
    • Silver Train Before they make me run
    • Let's Spend the Night together
    • No Expectations
    • Some Girls Sweet Virginia
    • Brown Sugar
    • Out of Time Ruby Tuesday
    • Midnight Rambler (live)


    Different day...different take


    That video for Duquesne Whistle is horrible. It looks like a women's underwear commercial directed by David Lynch.


    For me, it was kind of a cross between 500 days of Summer and Good Fellas.

    The bit with Dylan and the odd entourage did make me smile (especially the guy dressed like Gene Simmons)

  6. Since my Springsteen top ten went nowhere, and since I am on a Keith kick, let's try the favorite 10 Rolling Stones Songs


    In no particular order

    • Can't you hear me Knocking
    • Gimme Shelter
    • Wild Horses
    • Silver Train
    • Let's Spend the Night together
    • No Expectations
    • Some Girls
    • Brown Sugar
    • Out of Time
    • Midnight Rambler

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