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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I think Hamilton will get 5 or 6 years with a couple of option years based on games played in the last two of those years. I still think Baltimore will be in on him. So far I've heard the Braves mentioned as a suitor, with both Chipper and Bourne off the books.


    If he didn't have SO much baggage he would be worth the 7 for$175 easy. You have to figure is Ryan and Daniels have finally had enough, there must be soe stuff we don't know about.

  2. The main problem is that large portions of both sides truly hate the other side. That's why it will never end.


    The main problem is that people cannot accept that others might have different opinions. At least we aren't inflicting physical harm on each other


    The idea that politics today is uglier and more cut throat today than it was in years past is laughable and shows a complete disconnect with the reality that is, was and will be of American politics. Check out the election of 1800...1828...1860.


    One would expect that we would be more civil in our discourse because we have more access to communication and don't need to be so over the top in expressing opinions...

  3. He was his own worst enemy this season. He put up some Crazy numbers in April and May and literally fueled the Ranger collapse with his disappearing bat.

    Not to mention his little slip up in the Winter, his really dicey judgement (the tobacco and Caffeine issues) and the fact he can't play with a head cold.


    I am a huge Hamilton fan, but damnit if he doesn't make it really hard to defend him.

  4. Well...as the Free Agency madness begins, I hope that teams remember these supposedly EARTH SHATTERING signings when making their personnel decisions:


    Albert Pujols and CJ Wilson

    Jose Reyes, Heath Bell, Mark Buerhle

    Jonathan Pappelbon


    Spend your money wisely and don't overreach financially on a player who isn't needed or doesn't fit.

  5. The only teams that will lose gate on a shorter season will the Yanks, Red Sox, Cubs (regardless of record) and playoff-bound teams. There's more money in post season anyway. I'd also like to see a 30 man roster in the first 2-3 weeks of the season, pushing back the minors opening and doing away with the expanded Sept. rosters. Or just have a 28 man travelling roster with a 25 man availability per game, meaning 3 guys per game would be ineligable to play today, but any of the them could play tomorrow - with a 4 or 5 day limit on being on reserve at a time. This could help out with bullpens and day-to-day injuries, and I'd also like to see the Sept. roster expansion end under this system. The players, of course, would receive credit for service time being on the 28.


    Something I think would be interesting to see in operation is free substitution.

  6. Yea - I wouldn't call it that either. They just take time off between tours. I think this time the feeling is it may be the end. I saw a recent photo of Keith the other day. The dude looked worse that usual.


    I don't know about that A-Man...he's a 69 year old man who was a hard core cocaine and heroin addict for a good ten years. He smokes like a chimney and is probably an alcoholic. He probably looks better than could be expected.

  7. Wow! Any system that allows for a candidate to receive the most votes but still lose is the wrong system.


    " State issues matter. The electoral college is a brilliant way to give ALL the people a voice, but force the candidates to address issues state by state."


    What? They don't address issues state by state DUE to the electoral college. They address them swing state by swing state. If the electoral college was abolished THEN not only would all voters have a voice but the candidates would be forced to treat all states equally because every vote would matter, not just those in so-called swing states.


    "I am glad our founding fathers also had the foresight to make it difficult to amend the Constitution so this will hang around for awhile."


    Are you having a laugh or did Jules ask you be his proxy? I am from Florida, a much bigger electoral prize and perennial battleground state than Iowa, but see no benefit to me from the electoral college. Even if there is a benefit, I would still find the electoral college stupid and hope for it's demise.

    You're an angry fellow, aren't you.

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