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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. hun?  I am still trying to wrap my head around that syntax. 


    I love John Simm, that thought he was great as the Master.  I liked him in the End of Time, despite the goofy parts.  That is the thing with RTD.  He would go balls out on everything.  Flying Master, giant spaceships, huge threats to the universe that you need the kitchen sink to solve.  Moffatt's stories is a much more personal and subdued.  Yes they have their silliness, but I will take Dinosaurs on a spaceship over Farting Aliens any day.      

    should be "...wasted as the  Master IN his second appearance as such."

    My daughter first watched the Matt Smith Dr. and she cannot abide the silliness of the Tenant episodes. I personally think Ecclestone left way too early (I have a feeling he objected to the sillines)

  2. I wasn't going to bring this up either, but luckily others have.  I couldn't quite figure out why he is being so cagey about what his dependency is.  Needless to say it is his business, but so is his recovery.  I just figure if he is willing to publicize the recovery he could also say what it is he is recovering from, just to tamp down any speculation.




    I guess I share your confusion LB. I don't think I would have posted in this thread or spent one minute more thinking about it if he had come out and said

    As some of you may be aware , I have recently been dealing with a serious health issue  herion addiction/acohol dependency/meth addiciton/cocaine problem/oxycotin dependency.

    It's really none of our business, but if one publicizes the act of seeking rehab, an honest and inquisitive mind will wonder what the exact problem is/was. If one is going to be open and honest then it is assumed that they will be 'all in' with the info.

    If he had gone into rehab quietly, there would be no questions.

    Now I feel REALLY creepy. This is my THIRD post about somebody's chemical dependency rehab. But then again, it is low hanging fruit.

  3. excellent.  It will be interesting to see how hers (and yours) attitude changes (about the show ) through out the significant changes the show goes through.  Specifically between the RTD years and the Moffat years.    


    Some of the Tenant shows are downright silly. At times I think it's a shame that John Sim was wasted as the Master is his second appearance as such.

  4. Gary doesn't look or act like a "hard drugs" guy. I'm goina go with some type of downer. Could be booze...I think that could fall under chemical dependency. Hope he cleans up though. Thats a guy who sings what comes to his mind no matter how revealing, no filter. That takes a lot of balls.


    Doesn't sound like booze...not normally referred to as 'chemical dependency'. He doesn't look like a meth head or a coke freak. Horse? I'd be surprised. Oxycotin...hillbilly heroin?


    And I feel really creepy on speculating about it.

  5. Why?

    So they won't finish last in the AL WEST


    But both the Angels and the Rangers will play the Astros an equal amount of times.  So it won't play into who wins the division at all.  Rather it could help in the Wild Card race.  See the AL East are gonna beat up on each other, and in the Central, is there a chance that other then the division champ anyone else will make the playoffs?  


    Dude...even I don't think the Rangers are winning the West this year. I just hope they don't finish in fourth.

  6. On the other hand, Hamilton promised Texas an opportunity to match an offer he intended to sign. Apparently the Rangers weren't afforded that opportunity, and Daniels is not happy about it. If they want to seriously contend in 2013 Texas' best options lay in the trade market, otherwise it's time to play the prospects.


    Hamilton is just a big, dumb, extremely talented kid. Man-child if you will.


    He will alternatley thirll the Angels fans and break their hearts.

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