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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. OK, I just wrote a fairly lengthy diatribe about Mr. Manziel and the entire Heisman Trophy "event" this year, then deleted it, because I'd rather not get into it with the folks who are on the Manziel train right now. Kid had a great game at the right time, and the expectations for the seasons to follow will be HUGE. We'll see if he rises to the occasion.


    "Great game at the right time".




    Third leading rusher in the SEC

    Third leading passer in the SEC

    Manziel broke Cam Newton's SEC record for total yards

    The first player in SEC history to have two 500+ total offense games in one season.


    And all this as a 19-year old, redshirt Freshman.


    "Great game at the right time".

    So dismissive of a once in a generation season.

  2. You really don't think Rush deserves it...I do and I am not a huge fan, but they have done many good things, great songs, longevity same lineup, great live shows even into old age,...Prog rock needs more in...Yes for Sure.  I think it is a good pick for the HOF.


    I think Kraftwerk will have their day...

    Why Kraftwerk and not Die Toten Hosen?

  3. Instead of Johnny Football, should it be Johnny FakeID or Johnny Misdemeanors?



    I know you're from Texas, and I assume you are a bit younger than me.


    However, I bet you can go to almost ANY undergraduate teenager on the UT, TT, BU, TCU, SMU, TAMU etc campus and find shitloads of kids with fake IDs. (Plus, after all the rampant lawbreaking a couple of years ago on the TU football team, I might watch those rocks you're throwing.)


    Don't choke on your sour grapes t-sip :badger  

  4. http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/12/08/michael-young-could-to-accept-trade-to-phillies-today/


    Phillies take on Michael Young to play 3B (Damn It!). Young waived his Rangers no-trade clause in exchange for one from Philly. Young also received $1.2MM trade compensation from the Rangers - I suppose to make up the difference in Pa. having income tax while Texas doesn't. The Rangers also have to pay Young $10MM of his $16MM salary. I'm glad the Phillies have a couple of good backup infielders who can play third. I'm sure they'll see plenty of time in the 8th and 9th innings all season.


    Young was a great player for a decade for the rangers...but they just don't have a spot for him. He'll be missed, but he is on the decline.

  5. Hamilton in Boston would be a personal disaster for Josh.


    The first time he started talking about God's will and "I am Second", the cynical Boston press would ridicule him mercilessly.


    Ray Davis (The Ranger's MONEY MAN) LOVES Josh and may over rule Daniels and make him sign Josh for four years $100 million+.

  6. Red Sox have an everyday catcher. 



    Josh Hamilton might be joining Napoli, too, likely if he'd be willing to take a shorter deal (3 yrs?) than he's looking for.



    Lord...the Boston press would eat Josh alive. He's a goofier version of Manny Ramirez without the violent streak and much more prone to massive slumps.

  7. Not a great interview (Dave seems to take forever to ask a question that shouldn't take quite that long), but JPJ is one funny smartass dude.


    Jimmy Page looks like a country squire.

    John Paul Jones looks like a cool uncle.

    Robert Plant looks like the crypt keeper.


    Good deal if he is the Napoli of the last two months of 2011. If he's the Napoli of the rest of his career, not so much.

    He proved to be rather injury prone in his time in Texas. And if you're counting on him being primarily a catcher, then it won't be pretty.


    That being said and done, he's a good guy and when he gets really hot, he can carry a team. But he can also look lost at the plate.

    He is a sabrematrician's kind of player, His OPS+ numbers are outstanding, but he is REALLY streaky.

  9. Well they are going to be on Letterman - so people's hopes shouldn't be too high - love Letterman, but I am sure he is not going to be asking Jimmy what the set up was on the amp during the recording of "For Your Life", though he may ask about the snort.


    Listening to the Celebration Day cd this morning - it is pretty damn good.

     Letterman can be a fanboy...he will be goofy with them for a bit, but I'm sure Robert's serious, no bullshit personality will make David VERY uncomfortable.

  10. Wow, she is badass. I am not very familiar with Florence and the Machine, but that was like Florence Welch featuring the Rollling Stones. Any women on here can also attest that the dancing she does in those heels is pretty badass too. Nice performance.



  11. With one degree of separation, I heard Uncle Tupelo's Long Cut on KXT this morning.


    Sounded really bottom heavy and rocking.


    ... My coworkers all know what a Wilco fan I am, and this morning one of them told me about a Law and Order SVU episode she saw over the weekend. It had something to do with a young boy who had been sexually abused as a child and now he was kind of a troubled loser, due to being haunted by his past. He was wearing a Wilco tee shirt! I wonder if the producers of the show were trying to make a statement.



    Well, Lord knows we have more than our fair share of trouble losers around here... :badger :badger

  12. What about a guy like Jeff Bagwell, for whom there is no evidence of steroid use at all, not even any real allegations, but still seems to be blocked from the HoF because some writers decided that he is suspicious simply for because of the era in which he played?


    The fact is, none of us have any idea who did or who didn't use steroids, or what effect, if any, PED use had on their game. In light of that, players who were the best players of their era should be inducted into the Hall.


    To think that alcoholic, coke snorting sportswriters would be so offended at players using peds is really amusing.

  13. he broke a rule, served his suspension, took a significant reputation and financial hit ($16 million is obviously still a big contract, but had he not been caught he was heading for a gigantic payday) and now he's presumably clean, with a chance to redeem himself. isnt that the point of punishment?


    people (not necessarily you) acting like he should be banned for life are ridiculous. i thought hed only get a one year deal, but if toronto believes he'll remain a great hitter (a reasonable gamble, considering he didnt magically turn into a power hitter while on PEDs this year) then that contract is a steal.


    No, no, no...I didn't say I wanted him banned for life. I just find it a bit incongrous that Rafael Palmeiro, Barry Bonds and Mark McGurie are not going into the baseball Hall of Fame because of (supposed/alleged/suspicious circumstance) PED use. I think that it's unfair, but I'm not really sure how or why. I just sense the unfairness of it all.

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