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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Led Zeppelin --- ZOSO (Led Zeppelin IV)

    the Beatles --- Revolver

    Wilco --- YHF

    U2 --- Achtung Baby

    Radiohead --- The Bends

    The Band --- The Band

    Bob Dylan --- Blonde on Blonde, Blood on the Tracks

    Bruce Springsteen --- Born to Run

    Alejandro Escovedo --- 13 Years

    Drive by Truckers --- Decoration Day

    Rod Stewart --- Every Picture Tells a Story


    And there is a difference in my mind between perfect (this has to do with structure, composition strength, performance, coherent theme) and favorite (exclusively revolving around enjoyment)

  2. It's a function of the immediacy and proliferation of music, information and media.


    Familiarity breeds contempt at worst and at best leads to fatigue.


    Wilco is still a great band, but a lot of us spend way too much time thinking about what should be instead of reveling in the moment. (And I point to my self as a prime offender.)

    That is because the moments are too readily accessible. Having every song and almost every live performance available at the stroke of  a computer key, overexposure to something you love is inevitable.

  3. Defend and analyze your favorite team!!!




    Maybe I'm too close to the Rangers, but I think that they are still the best team in the West. While they have some questions, they still have strong pitching and this lineup will rake even without Josh Hamilton.


    It's a really different picture that it was when I was hearing strong rumblings that the Rangers might end up with Greinke, Hamilton AND Upton. Daniels has always had a plan b. When Cliff Lee jilted them to go back to Phillie, he signed Adrian Beltre. A big win there. When he decided to let CJ walk and went all in on Darvish, it more than panned out. I'm hoping that standing pat after the disappointments is the right move, but there're are still some  rumors out there. I discount any supposed interest in Michale Bourn and Kyle Lohse is probably only an option if he has no suitors in a couple of weeks and the Rangers are feeling like they need a stronger option in the rotation.


    The Rangers won 93 games last year even with an epic September collapse. They won 93 games with subpar (if not terrible) years from Ian Kinsler, Nelson Cruz, Mike Napoli and Mike Young and having Josh Hamilton effectivey disappear for the better part of three months.

    No longer will the Rangers be dependent on an immature, man-child. Hamilton is a beast when he is there mentally and emotionally; but there were increasing moments of disinterest and lackidasical play. If you managed to watch the last week of the Rangers season and the wild card playoff, you saw the absolute picture of the negatives that Hamilton can bring to the table. When the Rangers needed him most, he checked out...physically and emotionally. He was a distraction and you get the feeling that while his team mates will miss his bat, they won't miss his drama at all.


    Michael Young was clearly in decline last year. He was the face of the Rangers and was a really good player for them for a decade. But after a spectacular 2011, he drastically declined in 2012. Whether he can rebound next year is Philadelphia's problem.


    Napoli had a terrible year. Forget the OPS+ of 110, for a significant part of the season he was an automatic out. He spent a significant amount of time on the DL both his years in Texas and he really didn't look right last year.


    Nellie Cruz was inconsistent, to overuse a phrase. But when he's right, he can carry a team. This is his free agent year, so we'll see if it pushes him to a complete year. 


    The Rangers do have the best third baseman in baseball in Adrian Beltre. He is hands down the best free agent signing the Rangers have ever made (even better than Nolan Ryan). He routinely makes the spectacular play in the field and his bat is sterling.


    Elvis Andrus is a budding superstar. While I would not have been adverse to trading him for Justin Upton, he has the tools to make him a memorable short stop. The only things that make him expendalbe is the wealth of middle infield talent in the  minors and the fact he is a Scott Boras Client.


    Mitch Moreland might be really good at first now that he is healthy. He was the Rangers minor league player of the year a couple of years ago. He has some serious power (He hit the speaker in Tampa Bay). Now all he need to do is stay healthy. The Rangers gave up on Chris Davis too quickly; the won't make the same mistake with Moreland.


    David Murphy had his best season last year and it paid off for him. He got some money and now he's the everyday left fielder. We'll see if he can hit lefthanded pitching effectively this year.


    Berkman should be a nice fit at DH and first. He's a good veteran switch hitter, and the Rangers are really counting on his lefthanded power.

    AJ Pierzynski should be better than anything the Rangers rolled out at catcher last year. Soto will see some significant time, and if he can hit his weight, he'll be a positive.


    I keep hearing rumblings that the Rangers are interested in Michael Bourn (although this is probably Scott Boras floating a balloon to keep people interested in his client). I think the Rangers need to see what Leonys Martin has to offer. He was supposedly the second best Cuban Player after Cespedes. He's still a baby at 24, but potential eventually needs to produce. Plus the Rangers best signing of the offseason, hitting coach Dave Magadan, thinks Martin has limitless potential and will be a star.


    And sometime this year, we will see Profar and Olt up for good.  


    The pitching is better than many credit. Darvish proved he can handle major league batters and should be better in his sophomore year. Matt Harrison is the most overlooked 18-games winner in the game. Holland is still just 26...the light will go on for him one day. He's a young, hard throwing lefthander. They don't grow on trees. Ogando proved what he can do as a starter in a half season in 2011. With an entire off season to work on his condtioning, he'll be more than fine. Until Lewis makes it back in early May, the Rangers will probably go to Martin Perez. He was their best pitching prospect a couple of years ago, but he has regressed a bit. Justin Grimm might be the one, he  did alright in his stint last year.


    The bullpen has been revamped fro a really good group from 2012. Nathan did exceptionally well last year as a closer, and if he falters, Joakim Soria has a really good history as a closer. Robbie Ross was REALLY good last year and should excell in the middle relief role if his arm stays sound. Neftail Feliz should be ready mid-seasonish. Wehether he stays in the pen or makes the rotation...he has a great arm and will be an asset in any role. There will be some arms move back and forth between the minors and the bigs, but I expect Tanner scheppers and Michael Kirkman to be contributors.


    If the Rangers sign Kyle Lohse (which is still being bandied about...that would be plan D for this offseason), then the Rotation will be one of the best in Baseball.


     Projected lineup (my version) against Righties


    1. Ian Kinsler 2b

    2. Elvis Andrus SS

    3. Lance Berkman DH

    4. Adrian Beltre 3b

    5. Nelson Cruz RF

    6. David Murphy lf

    7. A.J. Pierzynski c

    8. Mitch Moreland 1b

    9. Leonys Martin cf

    Rotation (assuming no other signings)





    Perez (until Lewis is back)

    If Lohse is signed, he's either the #1 and everybody else moves down a slot or he's the #2.







    I've seen projections where Josh Lindbloom will be in the bigs, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Grimm  or maybe even Wilmer Font seeing significant time in Arlington.


    This team was really shaken by game 6 of the 2011 series. tThey played like they felt they had the west won by acclaimation. With Young, Hamilton and Napoli gone, they have subtracted players who disappointed in one shape or fashion last year. While the free agent signings were at best stop gap, they should effectively plug gaps until the youngsters are ready. Profar and Olt need to be playing at the big league club by June. The future is now. It's time the prospects become producers.

    It will difficult for Oakland to recapture the magic of 2012. And the Angels still have the same questions they did last year. They did add Josh Hamilton, but they also lost Kendrys Morales and Tori Wells. But their starting pitching is a big question mark.

    I thinkthe Rangers will either roll along nicely and not skip a beat, ot they will finish third.

  4. Warren_Zevon_-_Stand_In_The_Fire.jpg


    This is an absolutely outstanding record. If I recall correctly, his backing band is a Warren Zevon Tribute band with John Landau's brother on lead guitar.

    It is the sound of a  desperate man on fire and, in my opinion, the greatest live record ever recorded.

  5. I think you're looking at it all wrong.  My two goals for what I wanted to see the Rangers do this offseason were met...eliminating Michael Young and Josh Hamilton from the roster.  There's no way in hell I would have wanted Greinke at that price, so I'm glad the Rangers didn't offer him that much.  Napoli has two degenerative hips.  Who's to say he would be a better option than Pierzynski this year?


    Berkman had a great 2011.  To say that he hasn't played a full season since 2011 is to say that he was hurt last year.  He's never played fewer than 122 games in a season since his rookie year.  Plus, he'll predominantly be a DH, so there is less of an injury risk for an aging player.  Any older player is going to be more of an injury risk, but Berkman is a solid clubhouse guy and doesn't have any lingering injury issues that would be worrisome.


    I'd rather keep Elvis and Profar.  And just because Profar and Olt will be starting in AAA, doesn't mean they won't be called up sooner rather than later.  I also wonder if their starts there will buy an extra year of club control, but I'm not sure on that.


    Step away from the ledge.


    I;m not on the ledge, but I'll scattershoot on the Rangers.


    The only problem I have with Hamilton leaving is replacing his offensive numbers (obviously). He turned into a major distraction and he was an absolute black hole in the middle of the lineup for three months.The Rangers coddled him and enabled his immature behavior. I am looking forward to the first time Hamilton lollygags in the field and/or has a nine-pitch, three outs made game. Scioscia will kick his ass.

    Daniels may be doing 'money ball' thing with AJ and the big Puma. Looking to cumulatively replace the offensive numbers. But they are both stopgaps

    I think Napoli overplayed his hand...he could have gotten a multi-year extension from the Rangers after the 2011 season for some really serious coin. Now, he's got to have 625 plate appearances and appear in, what , 150 games to get his money.

    He REALLY miscalculated his worth.


    The Rangers need Kinsler to have another 2011..His swing really isn't suited for a leadoff man. He has a looping, power swing that is probably better suited for a 5 or 6 hole batter.  

    Word now is that the Rangers are looking to extend Cruz and Murphy. I don't know what I think of this. Murphy has had one year of success against left handers and  let's not forget Mr. Ranger October, Nelson Cruz. He is SO damn inconsistent. But unless Martin blossoms this year, they can't afford to let either walk. (I;m encouraged that Magadan thinks Martin has limitless potential).


    I, too want to keep Profar and Olt. But if they are going to languish at Round Rock then I say use them to get a major league piece. (Nobody ever mentions Carlos Gonzales as a good player to pursue a trade for). Andrus is quickly becoming expendable. He's a Boras Client and  besides Profar they also have Odor and Sardinas in the wings. 


    I'm thinking that Lohse may be on the table, but Daniels may be willing to go with the staff he has.

  6. This offseason has either been an unmitigated disaster or simply disappointing for the Rangers.


    The following admitted and supposed goals in this off season:


    Sign Zack Greinke....fail

    Re-sign Johs Hamilton...fail

    Get Justin Upton in trade...fail

    Napoli...not as big a disappointment, but in the end, after the hip issue, he turned down a more lucrative contract


    The moves that were made?

    Joaquin Soria...another closer recovering from Tommy John?

    AJ Pierzynski...THIS is a solution to the catching situation?

    Lance Berkman...Bad Knees, hasn't played a full season since 2011? (Are they looking for a late career renaissance ala Vlad Guerrero?)


    I am most perturbed by the news that Profar and Olt will start the season at AAA Round Rock...these world beating prospects that they won't part with to get proven stars NEED TO BE IN THE BIG LEAGUES. It is rather tiresome hearing how great the Rangers farm system is and not seeing any players making the bigs.

    Of course, I was really pissed off when Cliff Lee didn't come back and a little perturbed when the Rangers let Wilson walk. Daniels managed to recover nicely by signing Beltre and Darvish.

    The reluctance to offer Andrus in a trade for Upton (word is it was an acceptable deal in a one for one with the D-backs) is unfathomable.

    Andrus is a Boras client and will never sign an extension, plus there are SEVERAL top notch short stops in the low minors for the Rangers not to mention Profar's natural position is SS.


    Not to complain too much...I remember the days when the Rangers traded Ron Darling and Walt Terrell for Lee fucking Manzilli. But I need to see something here with the youngsters...either play 'em in the bigs or use them to get something good.

  7. I'm officially a Seahawks fan.  Future looks bright.


    As for the song: I can't remember the last time I actually wanted to listen to it.  It's a good rest/bathroom song for me at a concert.


    You should become a fan of the team with the REAL 12TH MAN.


    Anyway...I think Impossible Germany is a really nice rumination of the effects of being in a band and being in love. Keeping things together against the odds. I also think it is a bit tired these days and should be retired. However, I don't think it will go out of the set anytime soon. It allows Nels to show off his chops and gives the band a bit of the "Jam Band' air that they seem to so want to nurture.

  8. I adore those Sherlocks, Crow. I was glued to PBS last year when they aired the second series.


    It is a masterful series.

    I am also enjoying ELEMENTARY on CBS. Lucy Liu hasn't quite found the right tone for her interpretaton of Watson, but Johnny Lee Miller's psychologically damaged Holmes is a nice turn...It has a much darker and brooding tone.

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