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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. She said something about going home
    She said something about needing to spend some time alone
    And she wondered out loud what it was she had to find
    But she's already made up her mind

    All my friends told me she was too young
    Well I knew that myself and I tried to run
    But the faster I ran the more I fell behind
    Because she'd already made up her mind

    She's already made up her mind

    Now there is nothing so deep as the ocean
    And there is nothing so high as the sky
    And there is nothing so unwavering as a woman
    When she's already made up her mind

    So now she's sitting at one end of the kitchen table
    And she is staring without an expression
    And she is talking to me without moving her eyes
    Because she's already made up her mind

    She's already made up her mind
    She's already made up her mind

    And she said something about going home
    And she said something about needing to spend some time alone
    And she wondered out loud what it was she had to find
    But she'd already made up her mind

    So my friend carry me down to the water's edge
    And then sail with me out to that ocean deep
    And let me go easy down over the side
    And remember me to her

    She's already made up her mind
    She's already made up her mind
    She's already made up her min



  2. Raised to be a lady by the golden rule
    Alice was the spawn of a public school
    With a double barrel name in the back of her brain
    And a simple case of Momma-doesn't-love-me blues
    Reality it seems was just a dream
    She couldn't get it on with the boys on the scene
    But what do you expect from a chick who's just sixteen
    And hey, hey, hey, you know what I mean
    All the young girls love Alice
    Tender young Alice they say
    Come over and see me
    Come over and please me
    Alice it's my turn today

    All the young girls love Alice
    Tender young Alice they say
    If I give you my number
    Will you promise to call me
    Wait 'til my husband's away
    Poor little darling with a chip out of her heart
    It's like acting in a movie when you got the wrong part
    Getting your kicks in another girl's bed
    And it was only last Tuesday they found you in the subway dead
    And who could you call your friends down in Soho
    One or two middle-aged dykes in a Go-Go
    And what do you expect from a sixteen year old yo-yo
    And hey, hey, hey, oh don't you know
    All the young girls love Alice
    Tender young Alice they say
    Come over and see me
    Come over and please me
    Alice it's my turn today

    All the young girls love Alice
    Tender young Alice they say
    If I give you my number
    Will you promise to call me
    Wait 'til my husband's away
  3. Does a one legged Pope swim in circles?


    No really, why you ask?  




    In 2002, Jones was arrested for soliciting a 14-year-old boy to pose for sexually explicit photographs and possession of child pornography

  4. I think the 95% of the Latino vote is a huge stretch.  Considering Obama won the Latino vote with 70% and the African American vote by 93%.  Yes more Latinos will probably vote for a fellow Latino, but 95% is a huge number.  It is bordering on offense to suggest that the reason someone will vote for someone else based upon race.






  5. He'd be almost 80 at the end of his first term. The chances of Biden winning the nomination are slim, but it would be a good thing for the Republican party.


    Hell, I like anyone who can throw Senator Feinstein into a tizzy.


    Hillary Clinton was the darling of the party. Ted Cruz would resonate with voters who are tired of the status quo of Washington politics. And let's not forget that he's Latino: if he could grab 95% of the Latino vote like Obama did the African-American vote then it's "Hola, Casa Blanca."

    Ted Cruz is Cuban-American (as is Marco Rubio). From what I hear from my Mexican friends, one shouldn't assume that simply because he speaks Spanish that he is considered 'hispanic'.


    While there does seem to be an interesting adoption of Mr. Obama as an African-American, he is actually an AFRICAN-American...with a caucasian mom. 

    Racial politics is dicey, unsavory and ugly. But it seems to be the way we are heading.

  6. C'mon really?  Dancing queen may be the obvious answer but that's because it's the obvious answer!


    Hell, if it's good enough for Robbie Fulks to cover with little or no irony, it's good enough for the best band in America to give it whirl.

  7. I like the Marquis Moon suggestion.


    I think they could make this work. Nels would fracking shred on it.


    Oddly enough, I did have a music dream last night (usually these dreams find me onstage with a guitar realizing I don't know how to play it and dancing like a combination of James Brown and Bruce Springsteen).

    In this dream, I remember Wilco was playing MR. SOUL. by Buffalo Springfield. I think this could be a really nice guitar workout with the boys all pulling some iron.

  8. Crow got mad that nobody was posting in the West explosion thread.


    Actually, it was more of a knee jerk reaction to NoJs trolling in the Marathon thread.

    I didn't have the stomach to see asshattery in the West thread. I could sense it coming.


    Anybody else is free to do whatever they want with regard to threads. Start your own. Be a tool.

    I just won't facilitate it under my avatar.

  9. Not sure what we're expected to say other than the obvious.  It's a devastating event.  I've said many prayers for the victims and the whole community.  I was very confused for a few hours because I thought the explosion was in West Texas (like near Odessa or something) not West, Texas.


    Also, this story is something.




    Then I guess I'll lock this thread and the Boston shooting thread.

    After all, I guess it's obvious.

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