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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. That's pretty cool, but I wouldn't expect them to do it at every show. There have been many unique events on this tour (Dark Star, Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, Waterloo Sunset, etc.), and there have also been plenty of nights where Dylan didn't bring anyone on stage. He hasn't established a pattern and stuck with it.


    Does anyone else think it's kind of funny that on the AmericanaramA tour, many of the covers have been of artists who were not strictly American? Cinnamon Girl (Neil Young, Canada), Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald (Gordon Lightfoot, also Canada), The Band (also partly from Canada). If anything, that's the pattern. They should throw in some Joni Mitchell tunes, too. :lol

    America isn't just the United States

  2. Awesome..I saw him a few weeks ago too. I like that he was playing some Sound Of Lies stuff when I saw him. He has also been on a Im not Americana Music kick. He mentioned he wants to cover a PIL album in the future when I saw him.

    Really, really good news.

  3. Rooney!


    Anyhoo, I agree there are many factors for why us "old timers" fell off the face of VC. Mostly life (i.e. family, work) but also other venues of communication (such as Facebook). Various small FB groups may or may not exist :ninja  .

    I guess that is the death rattle of every Internet group...the more people that get involved, the more the 'core' withdraws.


    Well, I've cast my lot with this board, whether the cool kids post here anymore or not.

  4. “Not really. People invest a lot of time in you over the years, and when they are confronted with the fact that they can’t control you, that they can’t keep you from getting old, can’t keep you from getting fat, can’t keep you from losing some of your hair, or that they can’t keep you from making music that isn’t exactly what they want to hear, maybe it’s not a completely conscious phenomenon, but I do sense resentment from certain types of fans, yeah.”



    Sound like anybody here?

  5. It seems like evreytime I come on there are usernames I don't recognize.


    Well...a lot of that started when people started changing their usernames. (I'm guilty of that too...but I always have Crow in one way shape or form in my username).

    When that started, the inside jokes became overwhelming and a bit off-putting to the new folks.

    Even though the current administrators and moderators are top notch, things changed once Narziss left/abdicated/moved on/retired. 

    And, like all boards, newcomers were mercilessly hazed or ignored by the 'cool kids'.

    As some of the old crew either got bored or perma-banned, things seemed to find their own equilibrium.


    The board is and has been at a crossroads for a while. I'm staying, because I love the band and this place feels like home.

  6. I keep going back and forth about how I feel about him and his actions... but yeah, his bumbled flee attempt makes him look like an incompetent coward.


    Yeah, he's turned from a righteous whistleblower to a punk.

    I agree with Bjorn...Ellsberg didn't run and hide under the skirts of the Kremlin.

  7. Springsteen has had a couple of notable openers..


    In the club dates before he recorded BTR, he opened with a killer piano and violin arrangement of Incident on 57th STreet.

    During the BORN TO RUN tour, he opened with a wonderful piano arrangement of Thunder Road.

    And of course in the monumental tour supporting BORN IN THE USA, the opener was iconic and mythic.

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