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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. What about the running shoes makes for grandstanding?  If I'm going to stand forever I'm wearing something comfortable, and they were white with pink accents, correct?  Take a spin down a ladies footwear department and you can count on one hand how many items contain neither red nor pink nor purple.


    She is another political lightweight who has rocketed to fame on the back of a hot button issue. It seems to happen with regular frequency.

  2. I wonder when that picture was taken. I don't think the Mythbusters guys were at Solid Sound, were they? And I don't think John Hodgman was at the Rally to Restore Sanity. Any ideas, anyone?


    Maybe the were testing the "how to fight lonliness" theory.

  3. I am not ashamed to admit that I like the Eagles.  I'm a guitar guy, and the Don Felder/Joe Walsh duo is/was one of the best.


    However, I have always considered them to be the pioneers of what we know today as pop country...  :yucky


    They may be guilty of many thing, but being a pioneer of pop country should not be laid at their feet.

  4. As I think more about it, that phone call was definitely well thought out on Walt's part, and Skyler picked up on what he was doing. The abused wife, terrorized by her husband, and she played along. He was brokenhearted.


    Significant that he apparently is taking the blame for killing Hank. 

    He wants the Nazis for himself...

  5. pure speculation...


    1) hank and gomie die...jesse lives...

    2) case against walt evaporates...

    3) cartel kills marie, jessie, and todd because they don't need them...

    3) new cartel forces walt to cook...

    4) walt wants out for him adn his family...walt stages his demise - trashes house / spray paints heisenberg on wall...

    4) walt contacts the "vacuum" relocation service and has family relocated to New Hampshire...with his money...

    5) walt's cancer progressively gets worse...

    6) walt returns to get revenge on cartel...lures them into trap...walt kills cartel...walt turns himself in to get feds off of his family after he has taken the ricin...thereby effectuating how he will go out on his terms...


    Hmmm...this sounds like a relatively fulfilling ending...although I'm  sure  Skyler will escape retribution of some sort.

    I might think that Skylar gets popped and Marie survives and ends up with the kids...

  6. I wonder where the very vocal anti-war star contingent is hiding these days?

    Seems like every yahoo with a book, record of movie out has always been extremely quick to decry America warmongering and grab some facetime from the media...until recently. Is it military action that is bad, or the President who proposes it?


    (I know the real answer,  but I am tired of reading about poor teacher pay and the idiocy of the Public school bureaucracy...that stuff is so blatantly obvious that it is a part of the American psyche. Teachers are being screwed from above and below...understood. Nobody loves me and second guesses everything I do in my business also.)

  7. I never thought Gilligan would stoop to the sort of  'thousands of bullets and nobody gets shot' formulaic tv crap. This really didn't ring true.

    Unless the cavalry comes riding over this hill, I don't see how Hank and Gomie make it out alive.

    Watching Walt's frantic attempts to warn Hank makes me wonder if he still has a core of decency left.

  8. I have always thought that Leroy's actual replacement in the band was Pat with Nels being an augmentation to the band. I seem to remember that Pat's  joining was announced first. 


    Pat fills the same role as Leroy as multi-instrumantalist and background vocalist, and would appear to be an actual replacement for Leroy. 

    I have wondered if Leroy had stayed in the band would Nels have been recruited.I think it's obvious that Pat would not have come on board if Leroy had stayed.


  9. The rumor is out there.  There's a youtube clip of a guy saying he was "gay married" in college and the proof is the ring he wore back then.  It's crazier than the birther movement, of course.


    I would wonder why he brought it up, but I think most of us -- left, right, and center -- have already reached the conclusion that his posts on this forum are better left ignored.  Returning to ignoring now.


    I do have him ignored...but sometimes the 'train wreck' nature of his posts make me take a gander (usually a mistake).

    Now I'm going to go look for the 'Obama is gay' material on the internet (i'm bored)...that would explain his unavailability during the Benghazi mess... :badger  :badger  :badger  :badger  :wave  :usa

  10. Point of curiosity for the history proficient: when is the last time a government or significant entity (i.e. not a whacko splinter group bombing an abortion clinic) killed a number of persons overtly (not under some kind of pretext) in the name of Christianity?


    I'm thinking the 30 years war...but that was Christians killing Christians (Prots vs. Cathies)

  11. How dare you.  Really.  How dare you.


    I have been teaching high school science for 10 years.  Before that, I spent nearly 20 years in industry, as an actual practicing scientist.


    I have never worked as hard in my life as I have as a teacher.   But that amount of work is not sustainable.  I think people who think teachers are "skating by" don't want teachers, they want robots.


    Don't internalize a statement not made about you.

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