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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Posts posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I'm all about the Panic.


    It's not so much that JD didn't convince the owners to crack open the printing presses; it's that the Rangers never even talked to Tanaka or his reps.


    This is not a small market team. The Rangers drew over 3.1 million in this terrible summer weather placing fifth on the home attendance list.


    JD has fallen in love with some prospects who are proving to not be worth the adulation. Cody Buckel is the latest example. Reportedly, a deal for Justin Upton (the Upton brother who didn't flame out in Atlanta last year)fell through last year because JD wouldn't include Buckel in the deal.

    Remember how Micheal Olt was going to be the next infield star? Traded with Grimm to Chicago for the rag armed Garza (getting real tired of those rent-a pitchers). I wonder how many deals fell through because JD wouldn't include Olt in the mix.

    I don't want to complain too much. I remember back in the early 80's when the Rangers traded Ron Darling and Walt Terrell for Lee Mazzili.

  2. I'm afraid the Ranger ownership has lost their nerve.


    They have a huge television contract kicking in, but they are reluctant to spend the money to take a run at Tanaka, even after they lose the #3 starter to injury.


    Getting to the series two years had the fan base at a fever pitch. I'm beginning to think that they are going to be content with contending in the West and pulling 3 million in attendance.

    After the Fielder and Choo deals, I thought JD had convinced the boys to go all out this year. Now, we are looking to fill a rotation spot by 'stretching out' Scheppers or Ross.


    I think I've seen this story before.

  3. If it's going to be the general public, I would go with tunes that rock but are fairly simple and easy to get into on the first listen.


    Cali Stars

    Jesus etc.

    Dawned on Me

    Via Chicago

    Passenger Side


    I Got You

    Nice tuneful set, but Cali Stars, Jesus etc. and Via Chicago---"tunes that rock"?

  4. I would put Van Halen in the runner-up category if I wrote a #21-40 list. In no particular order:


    21) Elton John - S/T

    22) Aerosmith - S/T

    23) Van Halen - S/T

    24) Yes - S/T

    25) Simon & Garfunkel - Wednesday, 3 a.m.

    26) Grateful Dead - S/T

    27) King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King

    28) Beatles - Please Please Me

    29) Bob Dylan - S/T

    30) David Bowie - S/T

    31) Can - Monster Movie

    32) Cream - Fresh Cream

    33) The Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man

    34) Jackson Browne - Saturate Before Using

    35) Crosby, Stills & Nash - S/T

    36) Rolling Stones - England's Newest Hitmakers

    37) Lynyrd Skynyrd - S/T

    38) Roxy Music - S/T

    39) The Who - My Generation

    40) Adrian Belew - Lone Rhino

    The Elton John S/T record was his second released in 1969...S/T released in 1970

  5. Wow.

    After watching the 60 Minutes Piece last night, my opinion has changed 180 degrees.


    162 may not have been enough.

    I'm not convinced that the league is really cleaning up. The technology of biomedical science is far outpacing the ability to test.


    I am hoping and praying that Pujols and Ortiz aren't juicers who are still juicing. I don't think I could stand that.

  6. Top SECOND records might be interesting...(defeating the sophomore slump) Got WAY more than 20...just started thinking about it and off the races. (Some of these are cheating a bit...I don't consider EPS in the equation)


    Doolittle --- The Pixies

    Astral Weeks --- Van Morrison

    The Bends --- Radiohead

    What's the Story Morning Glory --- Oasis

    With the Beatles ---- The Beatles

    The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle --- Bruce Springsteen

    This Years Model --- Elvis Costello (and the Attractions)

    A Quick One --- The Who

    Being There --- Wilco

    Thirteen Years --- Alejandro Escovedo

    The Band --- The Band

    Radio City --- Big Star

    The Free Wheeling Bob Dylan --- Bob Dylan

    Space Oddity --- David Bowie

    Led Zeppelin II --- Led Zeppelin

    Chicago II --- Chicago

    At Dawn --- My Morning Jacket

    Vs. --- Pearl Jam

    Nevermind --- Nirvana

    Rated R --- Queens of the Stone Age

    Axis: Bold as Love --- Jimi Hendrix Experience

    Bayou Country --- Creedence Clearwater Revival

    Give 'Em Enough Rope --- The Clash

    Transformer --- Lou Reed

    Meat is Murder --- The Smiths

    Reckoning --- REM

    Paul's Boutique --- The Beastie Boys

    Gold --- Ryan Adams

    More Songs About Buildings and Food --- Talking Heads

    Countdown to Ecstasy --- Steely Dan

    Closer --- Joy Division

    Funhouse --- The Stooges

    In the Aeroplane over the Sea --- Neutral Milk Hotel

    Return to Cookie Mountain --- TV on the Radio

    I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight --- Richard Thompson

  7. The Texas Rangers will be without left-hander Derek Holland for up to three months because of a damaged left knee.

    Holland injured the knee in a fall at his home on Tuesday morning. He underwent surgery on Friday to repair cartilage damage and clean out the knee. General manager Jon Daniels said the club expects Holland to be out possibly until the All-Star break.

    “I am devastated by this injury,” Holland said in a statement provided by the club. “It was a freak accident at home that resulted in a hard fall on my knee. As upsetting as this is, my goal is to begin rehab and get back on the mound as quickly as possible.”

    Daniels said the club was confident that when the injury occurred, Holland was not engaged in any activity that would violate his contract.

    Holland was 10-9 with a 3.42 ERA last season. He led the club in starts with 33 and innings with 213, both career-highs.

    Daniels said the club will not invest in a “big ticket” pitcher to replace Holland. Japanese right-hander Masahiro Tanaka is currently the top available free agent. He reportedly wants a deal worth about $100 million over six years.

    The Rangers have already been looking for rotation depth and will continue to do so, Daniels said. They will also look in-house for a replacement. Daniels listed left-handers Robbie Ross and Michael Kirkman and right-handers Tanner Scheppers, Nick Tepesch and veteran non-roster addition Jose Contreras as candidates

    The Rangers now have three injury problems in their rotation. Right-hander Yu Davish had reported back problems late in the season, and left-hander Matt Harrison is returning from back surgery that limited him to two starts last season.

    In addition, projected fifth starter Alexi Ogando has had difficulty staying healthy as a starter. He went on the disabled list three times last season because of various arm woes.



    This is not good.

  8. Really looking forward to seeing how the Ranger's experiment works.

    The pitching staff should be really solid (Darvish, Harrison, Holland, Ogando and Perez)...and if the stealthy John Daniels works a deal for Tanaka...sheeeit.

    Fielder should have a nice recovery in that park...bad divorce behind him and that home run porch was made for left handed power hitters.

    We'll get to see if Profar is the real deal.

    And the countdown for Joey Gallo making his major league debut begins...looking for him to be ready some time in 2015, maybe 2016.

  9. No, I don't think it has much to do with me at all. I suspect that many people would find that whole paragraph obnoxious, and therefore have little interest in interacting with people who espouse such attitudes.


    By the way, I had a serious girlfriend years ago who was from TX, and she and her brother were classic examples of this syndrome. They were really homesick, I guess, and were always complaining about where they were (Connecticut) and comparing it - unfavorably, of course - with TX. My mom had a friend from Germany who did the same thing vis-a-vis the U.S.


    I know from living in Florida all these years that human nature is such that when you live somewhere, and people come from somewhere else and criticize your home, it's only natural to say, "Well, if you don't like it here, why don't you go back where you came from?"


    We have a couple of sayings here:  We don't give a shit how you did it in (fill in the blank); I-20 runs both ways.


    I'm sure that there are many more people who have come from Connecticut to Texas than vice versa. Hell, sometimes it seems like every other jerk you run into was formerly a resident of Michigan, Illinois or New York.

  10. For this reason alone, I have no desire to ever visit the state. To say that the other 49 states "don't understand state pride because they don't have much to be prideful of" is not only untrue but also pretty obnoxious.


    Even people who live in NYC - which has the Northeast's version of "we are the center of the universe" syndrome - have the decency to complain about how bad it is now compared to the good old days. And they have been doing that since the 1800s or something. Kinda cool in it's own weird way...


    I much prefer the midwest's approach to pride in general, as exemplified by Garrison Keillor's monologues. Everything is "oh, pretty good," or "not that bad." A little humility goes a long way.


    By the way, I have been through TX a couple times, via Houston airport and possibly Dallas/Ft. Worth. Nothing memorable. There are plenty of better airports in other parts of the world. Ha!


    It is certainly a bone of contention. But go anywhere in the world and tell them you're from Texas. There is an immediate recognition and understanding.


    A layover at Airports doesn't exactly make one an 'expert'. Not that you care or would, but the 11 hour drive across the State from Texarkana to El Paso, you'll see four to five different eco systems.


    Humility is for the humble.

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