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Vacant Horizon

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Posts posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. Easily.



    any song that has spelling changed should be avoided at all costs. it's usually a shitty song. magick, case in point. why can't ryan adams just write and sing a song with out all the affected vocals and goofy words. hell, 8 good songs would suffice. sadly, his best days seem behind him. gold could have been a great album had it been only 10 songs and not all the ridiculous production.

  2. Counterfeiting and piracy costs the United States nearly $250 billion annually, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


    i'd like to see where they got this info. it's more like lost sales due to putting out crappy product, not supporting artists, bad business practices, and charging too much for product!!. haven't seen a movie at the theater for ever. bit the bullet and saw burn after reading. terrible film for $12. i'm done. cd's for $20 at big box stores. no way. the reality is that the shit people download is stuff they would never buy in the first place, so it's not lost sales.

  3. To be completely honest, I have more live Neil Young (official and unofficial) than I already know what to do with. This track listing isn't getting my heart rate any higher either.



    well, the sugar mountain on here is the one from decade, right? if so, i love that version and hope the rest of the show is that laid back with a little more immediacy than massy hall. however, i was hopeing for flying on the ground is wrong.

  4. A few more:

    8-22-93 Eugene,OR

    9-22-93 MSG (most of that MSG run, actually)

    3-18-95 Philly

    6-23-92 Star Lake, PA

    6-14-92 Giants Sta.

    5-26-95 Seattle

    3-17-93 Cap Center, MD



    i was at most of those shows. will say the msg was usually a good run!

  5. Ummmmm. Prairie Wind is terrible? I mean, it's not up there with his greatest work, but terrible? I think CD II is an uneven album. However, I do love "No Hidden Path," "Dirty Old Man," "Ordinary People," and "Spirit Road."



    prairie wind is terrible. no wonder is terrible. the gospel choir is terrible. the strings and horns are laughable as are the lyrics.

    dirty old man, nhp, and spirit road are complete toss offs! ordinary people should have been released in the 80s. doesn't fit. i could go on...



    i was thinking about that his morning...the fact that no new info has come out and we're a month away from the release. no surprise. and seriously, i don't give a shit any more. from what i have seen of the track list, nothing spectacular. as far as the performance series goes, yawn. filmore is a mess and massy hall is nice, but i just can't get the vibe. as i have said in other posts, neil was a contender as my favorite artist of all time. unfortunately, i am removing more and more of him from my ipod. prairie wind in particular is terrible (except for the painter). and chrome dreams should not have been released. beautiful bluebird is nice, but the rest are complete toss offs. i am so mad this guy makes so much money for putting out so much shit, not putting out the shit people want to hear, and his ridiculous concert ticket prices.

    for me, dylan and springsteen have so much more to offer these days.

  7. There are plenty of nuggets in there. Plenty. I actually appreciated Vince, for the most part, too. The "Visions of Johanna" that they started doing were almost always top-notch and sublime. The "Bertha"s in '93 were particularly good. The "Broken Arrows." I like "Corrina."


    "SOTM," "So Many Roads," "Liberty," "I Fought the Law," "Lazy River Road," "Days Between," the break-outs/revivals: "I Want to Tell You," "Rain," "Baba O'Riley," "Tomorrow Never Knows," "Lucy in the Sky," "She Said," "It's All Too Much(!!)," "H.C. Sunshine," "New Speedway," "Unbroken Chain," etc. All good things and usually played with fervor.


    Things got rough in '95, for sure, but until the last tour I think there were plenty of gems.


    I just can't sweep and entire era under the rug as a dismissive era.



    well, i would love to see a collection of the nuggets from that era. each show had a few. BUT, Unbroken Chain was allwas terrible!!!

  8. go back and listen to 92-95. it's quite rough.



    Eh, I still disagree to an extent. The GD music was meticulously scrutinized by the fan base. Not that Phish's base wasn't, but the GD body of tunes has more history behind it. I don't think the GD got away on nights that a member or two performed sub-par. Garcia certainly wasn't the only member to have off nights, either.


    I also disagree that it was all mellow, meander stoner music. There's a lot to be said for the Swing/Rock aspect, as well as a lot of the 3-4 minute tunes in the first set. They could flat-out Rock at times.


    I think, if anything, the scrutiny got more and more intense as the band picked up fans, particularly during the period you write off (save for a year?) as being the time when Garcia was mailing it in and being carried by the rest of the band. That being the post "Touch" years. The rest of the band wasn't sober, maybe a little more restrained. Garcia was still the behemoth the other band mates all still rested their laurels on. I disagree with your assessment, is all.


    I also don't think GD music was intrinsically less intricate/complex than Phish tunes. Time changes, sure. Improv ventures, perhaps. But the mood set at a GD show, even into the 90s, was still a thing of beauty in how the band could create a musical landscape for an evening (or fail in doing so) that I haven't experienced as in-depth with any other band. I'd also add that, just as the GD went through numerous amalgamations as a band over their career span, they were capable of the same within not only an evening or a set, but within an individual tune.


    I guess I just don't see the "Garcia as liability on stage" aspect as being as much of a factor as some people. It was apparent from time to time, but the overwhelming amount of times he produced like he was capable of and those far outweighed the off nights, imo.



    Now, back to Phish....

  9. Not to turn this thread around, but Garcia had many more nights being "on" than off, including from the mid-80s on, imo. There's a lot of great music that was made during that period mid-80s->95), it just obviousy differs from other GD eras. They were many bands in one, anyway.


    I guess with the Trey thing: he's already successfully and honorably wrestled his demons. I'll give the guy the benefit of the doubt.


    my point was that the dead could get away with being a bit sloppy. i mean, they played mellow, meander stoner music. it's easy to play that shit old or stoned and as a result, garcia sounded good. but ya can't do that with YEM etc.

  10. A legitimate concern, too. That first run of shows post-hiatus (winter '03) showed me the problems that were obvious in the late '90s had not been properly dealt with. To each his own and all, but the music suffered - and that was the sad thing. I hope like hell that mucho practice time is put in because when they are truly ON there is few bands that can touch these guys in the live setting.



    yeah, with the dead, you had the rest of the band holding jerry up from the mid 80s on. he came around in 89-90, but that was it as far as i am concerned. the rest of the band got sober and garcia didn't. now the dead was more laid back and had less intricate parts in their music, so jerry could F up terrapin here and there, but he could still play his slow jams. trey on the other hand, picked the wrong kind of music to make if he also is an addict. in your 20s that might work. but by mid 40s, you can't not rehearse and use drugs all the time and expect to come out on stage and not F up YEM or some shit. so, we'll see. :dontgetit

  11. some of those outtakes from oh mercy sound like outtakes from blood on the tracks. incredible!


    i think the lyrics are fine, and the music is far better than a lot of modern times, which is something i certainly do agree with you on. that version of someday baby is great, it'd be funny to think that there is probably a whole album of different versions of the songs from modern times that is as good as this.


    it's just such a pain in the arse about the whole third disc bullshit. there are quite a few songs on that (duncan & brady for example) that i'd love to have a good version of.



    i want d&b too!!!

  12. Boy is that true. I was really into Phish but can't stand anything that was similar to them.


    If they do a new album, it better be amazing or just don't do it. The last record they made (Undermind?), I couldn't get into at all. And Round Room had some good moments but overall was weak. I'm hoping for a balance of heavily composed work and funk. I think the fact that they steered away from the more compositional types of tunes had to do with their downfall. It became too easy for them to practice less.


    I'm excited for this though. I've never seen a concert like these guys could put on.



    i agree with all your points. i would love to see an album that is a mix of rift and ghost. trey can write a great song when he puts his mind to it whether it be a short tune like Sleep or an opus like YEM.

    now if phish is not rehearsing and is just gonna show up at hampton an F up all the written parts and rely on the groove jamming, then it's gonna suck. however, trey made a comment about wanting to play YEM everyday for the rest of his life. so, maybe he is willing to practice the old tunes and get them to a point excellence. it was just so great seeing the band back in the early 90s when trey would just smile as he ripped through, flawlessly, songs like rift, bowie, etc. here's hoping for greatness! :dancing


    yeah, BB is definitely a fantastic album, and i quite love Farmhouse too. those are the only two of their albums i'd consider very good studio records though.


    and i'm kinda glad they're back too, while the 3x i saw them were a ton of fun, yet not all that memorable in terms of all of the shows i've ever seen, the bands that tried to pick up the slack while they were gone were even worse.



    story of the ghost is my favorite studio album. rift is next. it's too long though.

  13. Tons! Return to Me, Can't Get You Off of My Mind, Red Cadillac and a Black Mustache, Waitin' for You (from the Ya-Ya soundtrack), and a bunch more I can't think of at this hour. Ring of Fire from the Feeling Minnesota soundtrack, Blue Eyed Jane... a few others. Most of them are covers, but most of them are better than that awful Huck's Tune.



    thanks-i hate to think what i'm missing! :ohwell

  14. That was a joke because Plant gave Page so much crap for working with Coverdale and obvious page wannabe



    i get the joke...but if they pick a good singer that is not some metal queen, but can make the tunes his own, then it might be killer. jones and page are in top form from the o2 showing. bonham is,well, bonham. lays it down well, but he aint no bonzo. someone mentioned chris cornell. yes! eddie vedder?

  15. Time to get David Coverdale on board.



    gotta say. it wouldn't be that bad if they got a good singer. i wouldn't be sitting there biting my tongue as plant tried to hit, or reinterpret old tunes.

    as far as the reissues go...are you kidding me!! how many damn times are they gonna release this shit.

  16. recently been getting into zappa, but damn if its all not that great. would be great to pick and choose mp3s over at amazon. any news on going digital? also, what's your favorite zappa? over-nite sensation is getting a lot of play around here.



    ps-the other digital hold outs are beatles, ac/dc...anyone else?

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