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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. http://www.furthur.net/ Feb tour for the Furthur project. i haven't been keen on any dead related stuff for several years. i think i'm gonna try for the atlanta show. i just love phil and bob's playing. i don't care for warren haynes, so this will be good. i wonder why mickey and/or bill are not on board with this? at least mickey. it's pretty small venues.
  2. i really like the '79 shows with brent. some interesting jams there as well as some mellow shows. i mean the band busted ass 77-78. after keith and donna left, i feel the band could relax a bit. let us know how that road trips show is. also, have you listened to any of the other pure jerry shows? any good?
  3. thanks so much for sharing. sounds so cool. i figured he was a cool dude.
  4. please give us all the details. how did you meet him? what about song writing did you talk about?
  5. Dex- please dispose of Quinn and Rita. Sincerely- Anonymous
  6. Will Oldham has been busy this decade as Bonnie Prince Billy. I See Darkness Ease Down The Road Master And Everyone Superwolf The Letting Go Lie Down In the Light Beware I know i'm forgetting a bunch. i love his instrumental music too, like the tune at the end of Wendy and Lucy. also, he's acted a bit this decade as well, Old Joy is an incredible movie if you haven't seen it. will has a lead and is just great.
  7. well, i'd hate to see masuka go, but it would be totally cool if it was revealed that masuka was also a serial killer who actually got rid of lundy for fear lundy would find him out. and of course he loves debra.
  8. i don't know, i just like it when he sings straight and doesn't get nasally or sing from way back in his throat.
  9. i've tried with them too. in my opinion they could be incredible. they are tight and the songs are, as is production. however, jim james intentionally sings a little sharp which is really annoying. also some of their lyrics are just bad...'baby in a blender'? finally, jim james just ruins his songs with the goofy singing. i wish he would take himself a bit more seriously. just a bit. It Still Moves is a pretty a good album if a bit long. Golden, I Will Sing You Songs great songs. the first two albums built up to that. instead of sticking with that classic sound/formula, Yim f'ed it
  10. there's no in-between with phish. you'll probably hate it and think the show should end when it's only half way done;)
  11. man, i can't win with you, can i? i think i changed my screen name before that debacle, can't remember.
  12. no, what you do is, write a review of the show on nine bullets. then the drummer will quote you on his blog. that's how it's done
  13. they really are a professional band much the way wilco is. not calculated, but concise and very well-played. despite the 'bar band' image, these guys make it look easy to be really really good.
  14. i think they are playing smaller venues on this tour. they're coming to georgia for the third time this year on thursday night. second time in athens and it's a small venue. i really wish they would up the production value of the show and be a bit more precise and less 'bar band'. would be great to see them in a nice theater with a proper adult crowd...what ever that means
  15. fascinating. the subsidizing is reason one we don't live a capitalist society. we live in corporate fascist society. so when pundits talk about letting the free market sort things out, they're either ill-informed or idiots. we don't have a free market. also, business men are idiots. as the movie stated, there are simple things that can be done to alleviate some of the issues with corp farming that would quell costs in the future, but they don't do it.
  16. like him or not, sufjan has to be on that list. i would add drive by truckers. i need to check out ron sexsmith
  17. many good points. i was not shocked by the film. i knew exactly what i was gonna see. i started seeing the matrix at a young age and since have cycled through activism and exhaustion several times. the film just made me revisit how difficult it is to believe anything anyone says about anything. i am heading back in the vegetarian direction as a result of this film and it has reinvigorated my mindfulness about food. at the same time, walking into a grocery store is overwhelming when one considers where the food comes from. humanity seems to have chosen it's path of profit over people at
  18. dirty south does have some riffs to it, but the core of the album is some deep stuff analyzing the complex dualities of the south. i know that seems academic, but i think it's true. i remember hood saying he had several more songs about buford pusser. would be interesting to hear them. the album is amazing in that it allows 3 amazing song writers to sit on one album. patterson is one gracious MF. AND, if we look at this decade, wow, DBT has had quite a run of albums. pretty amazing. Tornados is one of my favorite PH songs
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