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Mrs. Peel

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Posts posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Peeping Tom was fantastic. I think they did the whole album, including bringing out that Brazilian woman (Bebel?) as a special guest. I was hoping for a Norah Jones appearance but no such luck. No Kool Keith either. The girl in the band, Imani, oh my god...I'm hetero but damn, she was sexy. She actually looked like a doll, she was so perfect. We were right in front of her. Rahzel was drawdroppingly good, at one point doing a one man human beatbox recreating an entire song; bass, drums, melody, female vocals including verse and chorus.... Mike Patton was, well, Mike Patton, but he was having a great time. Lots of smiles. They had the BEST merch too....in addition to the t-shirts and stuff, they also sold Peeping Tom hairnets, and also something I couldn't resist....Peeping Tom BINOCULARS. Seriously, could there have been a better product??? :lol


    But it was a real battle to withstand all the shit that went on before them. Since it was a Wired Magazine thing, they picked the openers, which had no relavence whatsoever to Peeping Tom. Basically we stood among 500 twenty-something dancing clubbies for three hours, wrestling to keep our spot near the front. The first act, Girl Talk, was a guy with a laptop overlapping old songs with new raps (Def Leppard with 2Pac, Paul Simon with Missy Elliott) as he gradually went from a 3 piece suit down to his boxers. He did crowdsurf though, which was a plus for us because it helped us inch our way forward when everyone moved to catch him.


    Next a big video screen came down and a guy at turntables (Diplo) basically just spun records for an hour without anyone but the people on the far right of the stage being able to see him. Amazingly no one seemed to think this was at all strange except for me, Al, and the guy next to me who was equally unamused and was obviously standing his ground for Peeping Tom, just like us. He got into a yelling match with a drunk asshole who kept worming his way all the way from the front row to the back of the room to get more drinks for him and his lunatic sister and then pushing his way back through. I joined in on that one, it was fun. A girl that was with them was obviously dancing in a way that would hopefully bump me backwards and away from her. That just made me mad, so I stood firm and took every ass blow she could manage without budging an inch.


    When Peeping Tom finally came on (after 3+ hours of this) I was so fired up and determined to make these peoples' lives a living hell that I started jumping up and down and into them as much as possible, sticking my arms in front of their faces, throwing elbows (which are very pointy and useful in these situations), creating human walls with the sympathizer next to me, and basically having a great time while ruining theirs. But isn't that how a Mike Patton show should be? :lol


    I didn't manage to get any good pictures but I know the guy from the Brooklynvegan blog was there and he seemed to get a lot of great shots from what I could see over his shoulder, so hopefully he'll put them up soon.

  2. I've never been a huge Mad TV fan, though I would agree that it's better than SNL these days.


    The truly funny moments from last season's SNL could probably be compiled into an hour-long program, with commercials. So you haven't been missing much, but there has been the occasional gem.


    I do like some of those Shorts. But damn, that Cubicle Wars thing with Dane was so lame. I guess I just never hit SNL at the right moments. :lol

  3. Jeff, Sue, and family,


    I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my father a few years ago at far too young an age, and it helps me tremendously to feel that he is still with me, helping me through the difficult times. I know your mom will be cheering you on as you play, proud in the fact that you continue to touch so many lives with your words and your kindness.

    Sue, if you'll remember my dime stories.....I still find them quite frequently in the strangest places, and they bring a smile to my face and a little warmth to my heart every time. I truly think they're my dad's way of saying "keep your chin up".


    My thoughts are with all of you.



  4. I saw that. It was great. "You know that one guy you hang out with always carrying a ladder? (extends arm as if holding a ladder) "It's like: what's with the ladder, dude?"




    I'll tell ya, give me Mad TV over SNL any day. I think they're on the downhill slide but to this day I'm always astounded at the accuracy of some of the impersonations. The guy who does Bush, for example. He has obviously studied Bush extensively. SNL's Bush impressions are mediocre at best. Then there's the guy who does Rod Roddy from The Price Is Right, which was hands down the funniest damn impression I've ever seen. Makes me laugh every time I think about it.


  5. I started watching the monologue and ended up turning back to Mad TV which was geniusly airing Ike Barenholtz' Dane Cook standup impersonation at the same time. I find Dane funny at times but the parody, highlighting his shooting stares into the camera and loud obnoxious voice, was spot on. I found it amusing that I chose the fake Dane over the real one.

  6. Anyone hear/see them? I've heard them described in the same talent category as the Truckers, and they're touring with Bobby Bare Jr so they can't be all that bad. I like what I hear on their myspace page.

    Their show is only $5, but it's on the same night as Alejandro Escovedo. Ghostfinger is closer and cheaper. Which do I choose?

  7. OK, I'm going to buy the stupid iTunes episodes. I just watched the previews and because I've been watching 10th generation VHS tapes for years, I was actually surprised that they were clear images with no glitches or static. I can finally see all the little things going on in the background. I'm so used to my crappy tapes I actually expected the iTunes ones to be like that too. :lol

  8. My personal favorite musical moment was when Nelly (blech) was honoring LL Cool J and then LL came out to do Mama Said Knock You Out, thereby blowing Nelly off the stage. He was fantastic and looks amazing.

    My favorite thing from any of the shows in general was KRS-One rocking out to everybody on stage and especially when Fat Joe honored him.

  9. Happy belated birthday, my main man. My tardy excuse is not quite as convincing as Dreamin' Judy's, but I was at a horrific sales conference.


    I'm not even going to go for the funny because I can't possibly top your own birthday post.



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