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Mrs. Peel

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Posts posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. I'm late to the game on this one....


    1. Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique

    2. A Tribe Called Quest - Low End Theory

    3. Digital Underground - Sex Packets

    4. Boogie Down Productions - Criminal Minded

    5. Beastie Boys - Check Your Head

    6. DAS EFX - Dead Serious

    7. RUN DMC - Raising Hell

    8. Public Enemy - Fear Of A Black Planet

    9. DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper

    10. Eminem - The Eminem Show

  2. The Crane Wife


    I'm pretty hooked on this thing. I wasn't going to see them on the fall tour because I didn't think the album would be out when they came through. Once I grabbed it though..... I'm glad the Northampton MA show doesn't seem to be too popular yet, I was still able to get GA tickets right in front of the stage and in front of all the assigned theater seating.

  3. I'd say 20% of our collection is rap. A lot of old school, a few more current. I'm a Beastie Boys freak. A Tribe Called Quest, Boogie Down Productions/KRS-One, all the Sugar Hill artists, Run DMC.....

    I had to choose tonight between Rogue Wave and Slick Rick. I'm going to see RW but I'm very disappointed I'll be missing Slick Rick. If Doug E Fresh was with him though, it would be no contest.

  4. I can't believe I'm going to defend Justin Timberlake, but that comment didn't seem at all to me like he was anti-gay, he was just saying that since Hicks has been thrust into the spotlight so quickly he hopes the guy is ready for whatever dirt might be uncovered. I think the Mississippi comment was just an unfortunate stereotype that if Southerners that voted for Hicks found out he was gay there would be some kind of uproar.

  5. For my own arrogance, I'd like to point out my post yesterday:


    I think that guy is 100% innocent and 110% off his rocker. He has studied this case for a long time and even wrote a paper about it in college so well that his professor told him he should write a book. I think he went insane and thinks he actually did it when in reality he had nothing to do with it.


    It's just a gut feeling. I think he's obsessed with the case...has been for a long time...

  6. Asked whether he knew the suspect' date=' John Ramsey told KUSA-TV, "To my knowledge, no, I didn't, but I don't know enough yet to say for sure."[/quote']


    But you're right, they'll change their story 30 times before the day is out.



    The TV media is WAY too quick to release info these days, just so they can get a 30 second headstart on their competition. I'll never forget going to sleep hearing that all but one of those WV miners were alive and waking up to find out it was the opposite.

  7. I think that guy is 100% innocent and 110% off his rocker. He has studied this case for a long time and even wrote a paper about it in college so well that his professor told him he should write a book. I think he went insane and thinks he actually did it when in reality he had nothing to do with it.

  8. During dinner tonight, my cell phone rang. Caller ID said "Restricted."


    "Male or female?" I said to Otis.


    "Female for a buck," he said.


    I flipped open the phone. "Hello?"


    "Hey Wil, it's Ryan."


    "Hey Ryan! Hold on a sec." I turned the phone away from my face and looked at Otis. "Ship it!"


    He grimaced and reached into his pocket as I won yet another prop bet from him. (I've played a tiny bit of poker while I've been here, and I'm probably stuck fifteen bucks total, plus the disaster of Martini-fueled blackjack on my birthday. If it wasn't for Otis spewing money to me on prop bets, I'd be really stuck. As it is, I'm even on the whole trip, and I may actually be a little bit ahead.)


    "What's up?" I said.


    "Mom wanted me to call you and find out if it was okay for me to play Vice City. I think it's okay, because I'm seventeen and everything, but mom said she wasn't sure and wanted me to talk to you about it since you've played it."


    Ryan is an incredibly mature and responsible person. I know that he understands the difference between reality and video games, and I'm actually more concerned about the time he spends playing them, than the content of the game.


    "Well," I said, "you're seventeen, so you're able to buy yourself tickets to rated 'R' movies, and Vice City isn't any worse than, say, Scarface or Goodfellas, but hold on a second and let me think about it, okay?"


    "Okay," he said.


    I put the phone to my chest, and explained the situation to the table. Oh, and now would be a good time to point out that we were in a *very* nice restaurant where I wouldn't take a call if we weren't way in the back, against the wall with no other diners around us.


    "Does he know that it's not okay to hit beat a hooker with a baseball bat and get his money back in real life?" My friend Ryan said.


    "Good question," I said. I put the phone back to my ear and said, "I have to ask you one question: if you pick up a hooker in real life, is it okay to hit her with a baseball bat to get your money back after she gets out of your car?"


    "Well, since hookers are empty shells and not real people," he said, "then yes. Yes. It's okay to whack her with a baseball bat."


    I relayed this to the table and added, "I think he's mature enough to handle Vice City."


    "Tell him that he he also has a future career in Hollywood," Ryan said.



  9. :lol


    I imagine soon after the DVD release and there are no more contractual obligations, we'll be hearing what he really thinks of the movie. He's a good bullshitter....if he couldn't come up with some positive words, it must really be crap.

  10. I saw Sam Jackson on the Today show to tout Snakes On A Plane.....seemed to me he couldn't even find many positive things to say. Matt Lauer basically asked him what the strong points of the movie are and he replied "well, we got great snakes...."

  11. I've got to pick that up.


    Thanks to VC recommendations, I rented The Wire: Season One and after sitting down to watch the first episode while I ate dinner, I ended up watching 5 instead. I'm totally hooked and can't wait to see what happens. I believe I'll crank out a few more tonight.

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