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Mrs. Peel

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Posts posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. I saw the second worst movie I've ever seen in a theater last night. Beltmann, don't think any less of me, but we went to see Crank. I thought, at best it would be a Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels knockoff, at worst it would be an entertainingly brainless action flick. It was SO bad. Yes it was all action, but the horrendous excuse for dialog even ruined the entertainment value of car chases through malls, sex on a city street, fighting on the rails of helicopters.....it was utterly ridiculous.


    Al's words upon the credits rolling: "Sorry."

    Al's words on the way out of the theater: "It's good to see they're giving 7th graders the chance to write scripts."

    Loud obnoxious entourage of girls on the way out of the theater: "That was AWESOME! I'm gonna buy that when in comes on DVD and watch it after smoking eight fat blunts!"


    FYI, worst movie I ever saw in a theater: Last Man Standing. We walked out.

  2. Am I total geek for actually yelling with glee over this?


    First up, iPod. Looks like everyone was hoping for a video iPod (as distinct from an iPod with video -- someone, please explain the difference?), but Apple had some hardware tweaks in mind instead. Look for a 60% brighter screen, longer battery life (from 4.5 up to 6.5 hours on the big model), and price cuts (30GB for $249). This generation's iPod also comes closer to our dream of triple digit memory with an 80GB model, clocking in at $349. Finally, there's a new text-based search feature (so those click-wheel thumb sprains will finally heal themselves), gapless playback (for smooth segues in your favorite concept albums), and games for purchase (so you can get back to spraining those thumbs).


    Yes, and I don't care.

  3. I saw The Virgin Suicides when it came out, read the book six months ago, and rewatched the film over the weekend.


    :blink On a whim, I grabbed it out of the pile and watched it again for the first time since the theater this weekend. Oooohhhh, freaky, Sir S.


    I didn't remember much about it, but I do remember being left with the same feeling of "there should have been more to this.....I should have connected to the characters....I should have had a strong emotional reaction when 4 young sisters off themselves in what should have been a grand gesture....."

  4. I also was surprised at how sad this made me. He was a special person with an absolute unswaying love for all creatures. I kind of thought he wouldn't die of natural causes at the age of 95, but it's so tragic that his life ended while on a "safe" little snorkeling jaunt with a one in a million freak occurance. Stingrays are in every "hands on" pool at every aquarium I've ever been to because of their docile nature. In fact, he was filming the footage for a kids program he was doing with his daughter. I watched a little bit of the Animal Planet tribute and saw an interview he did a couple years ago where he was talking about how he was going to let his daughter date....at the age of 31. It's incredibly sad to see that and realize his kids have lost their father.

  5. I forget which band, I but I remember reading about gear being stolen out of a truck that was locked and parked inside a padlocked parking lot. I mean, damn, what's a band gotta do, sometimes.


    With a Club on the steering wheel too. They sawed through the Club, broke the ignition, and drove through the chainlinked fence of a guarded parking lot. Unfortunately, there have been so many incidents I can't remember which band it was. Film School, it was Film School.

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