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Posts posted by pnêyu

  1. Anyone know how DJ Shadow is live? I'd be excited to see him.

    It's pretty amazing to hear how he combines and recombines some of those sounds in a live venue (he often turns "Organ Donor" on its head), but I have no idea how he'll go over at Bonnaroo, especially with the hyphy stuff.

  2. From the New York Times obituary:


    Covering an annual chicken slaughter in New Mexico in 1980, she used a sexually suggestive phrase, which her editors deleted from the final article. But her effort to use it angered the executive editor, A. M. Rosenthal, who ordered her back to New York and assigned her to City Hall, where she covered routine matters with little flair.


    I quote this because I love the phrase in question. As I recall, the offensive words were "gang pluck," and her editor thought it was to close to "gang fuck." Which, of course, was her intention all along.


    Gotta love her. :blush

  3. If a Texas liberal could still hold out hope, you had no excuse not to laugh along with her.


    Molly Ivins Dies of Cancer at 62


    By KELLEY SHANNON, Associated Press Writer

    Wednesday, January 31, 2007


    Best-selling author and columnist Molly Ivins, the sharp-witted liberal who skewered the political establishment and referred to President Bush as "Shrub," died Wednesday after a long battle with breast cancer. She was 62.


    Ivins died at her home while in hospice care, said David Pasztor, managing editor of the Texas Observer, where Ivins had once been co-editor.


    Ivins made a living poking fun at politicians, whether they were in her home state of Texas or the White House. She revealed in early 2006 that she was being treated for breast cancer for the third time.


    More than 400 newspapers subscribed to her nationally syndicated column, which combined strong liberal views and populist humor. Ivins' illness did not seem to hurt her ability to deliver biting one-liners.


    "I'm sorry to say (cancer) can kill you, but it doesn't make you a better person," she said in an interview with the San Antonio Express-News in September, the same month cancer claimed her friend former Gov. Ann Richards.


    To Ivins, "liberal" wasn't an insult term. "Even I felt sorry for Richard Nixon when he left; there's nothing you can do about being born liberal

  4. My god, has it really been 11 years since I saw Pulp in San Francisco (well, OK, 9 since I saw them at Finsbury Park)?! Man, I'm old, but I can't wait for these shows.


    04-23 New York, NY - Webster Hall

    04-27 Indio, CA - Empire Polo Field (Coachella)

    04-28 San Francisco, CA - Fillmore

    04-30 Seattle, WA - Showbox

    05-01 Vancouver, British Columbia - Commodore

  5. i wish someone would put up at least one song from Largo where he builds the tracks up one instrument at a time and loops them. i'll probably never get to see him in Cal, and i would love to see what this is even like. it was cool to see him backing Fiona at Largo on the DualDisc of her last album.


    i believe one short clip on youtube shows Jon imitating Tom Waits singing Radiohead's Creep. pretty funny and dead on.

    Here's some grainy and noisy footage of Jon building a song: Happy with You


    It's not video, but here's an audio clip of a song build of an original Jon Brion composition that has yet to grace an album: I'm Always Trying


    Largo is very strict about recording instruments, which is why it's so hard to find clips of any sort.

  6. Yesterday - well it seemed so cool

    When I walked you home, kissed goodnight

    I said it's love, you said all right

    It's funny how I could never cry

    Until tonight and you pass by

    Hand in hand with another guy

    You're dressed to kill and guess who

  7. When E showed up unannounced at the last Largo show of 2006 (December 22), he introduced a song by saying that it sums up how he feels about the holidays. The tune: "It's a Motherfucker." :D


    It's a baffling but intriguing combination: the sad songs, the upbeat tunes, and the wry persona. But it works for me.

  8. So just how small was this place?

    Imagine a well-sized shed or a three-car garage, with sliding manual wooden doors. Maybe add another 10 or 15 feet to the length of the room. Tack on a disco ball to the rafters and a stage about 2 feet off the floor. Voila, you've now reconstructed Liberty Hall.

  9. Well, no Marfa lights for us, but we had a great time discovering the charms (coffee, dogs, bookstores, chapparal, Hotel Paisano) of this tiny town and even smaller venue. Just when you thought the show couldn't be more intimate, Jeff ran with the unparalleled opportunity to go without the PA. It was a beautifully personal touch to an already incomparable gig.

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