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Posts posted by pnêyu

  1. New :dancing ...with Liz's ex-boyfriend returning.

    I know it's the Beeper King, but what I'd give for another episode with "the tall, gangly, red haired guy who played guitar all the time" (Liz: "Conan").

  2. Ok, U what was 'Carl's explanation for "Entering White Cecilia." ?

    Carl offered two explanations for the song, and of course, the only one I can remember is the one about having sex with a white woman named Cecilia. Dan didn't say he was wrong, though.

  3. I hope Jeff didn't feel too obliged with the "off the book" requests, but start to finish, I'd say the song ideas and Jeff's performing couldn't have been better.

    Same here--I think the idea was to keep the night pretty low key and to see where the requests would lead. Hey, it's not like the requesters remembered a lot of those lyrics either. :blush In no way did we lack for great music.


    [quote name='bb

  4. I need to recover from my all-nighter and early flight home before I can upload my shots, but a nap is unlikely, as I keep grinning from ear to ear when I recall the events of the weekend: Rock 'n' Roll Hell, Hot Doug's, and of course, the show itself. Thanks to Jeff and Susan for their generosity (of spirit, patience, and time), and thanks to all the friends who put in the great requests, the amazing food, and the hearty sing-alongs. You're more fun than 60 pounds of pork cheeks.

  5. Just reading that Bejar stays in the green room, comes out for his song(s) and then goes back back to the green room. Very Strange and I've got to see that sometime.

    Substitute "comes" for "staggers" and you've summed up the few NP shows I've seen with Dan in the crew; maybe alcohol was the reason Dan didn't object to Carl's explanation for "Entering White Cecilia."

  6. I wanted to be one of those concert goers who asks her to marry. Seriously.

    Whoa, that's huge, especially coming from you.


    Personally, the best thing was phoning my daughter in Italy and

    holding up the cell phone for the harmonies of Challengers. I cried

    just for the emotion of the whole thing, missing her, her missing a

    concert by her favourite band and just generally loving the moment.


    One of my best friends already wears the title of World's Coolest Mom, but there's alway room for more. It's in the mail:



  7. You spend your life growing up and listening to music. Standing in front of mirrors using a hairbrush as a mic. Using Dad's tennis racket as a guitar. Imagining what it would be like to be on stage with the musicians that affirm life for you. And then, in a suburb somewhere north of O'Hare in Chicago, 25 years after you first put a tonearm down on a record, a childhood dream comes true.


    I've sat with my guitar and played and sang Someone Else's Song about 1500 times on my couch at home over the past few years. Last night I accompanied Jeff as he played it. I let him take the vocals. :)


    A quick fist bump from Jeff before we got started, and a little bit of a mixup on capo placement, but then we were off. No words can describe what it felt like to stand next to him with a guitar in my hands. When he sang the opening words, I heard those words like I've never heard them before. Not through the mic/amp as I've heard it so many times before. But as a musician standing next to him on a stage. His voice startled me with its power. I can't describe it any other way. I kept focused though (somehow) because I knew this was being recorded. I tried to soak in as much of the moment as possible. One slight glitch at the end of the song that I dont know if anyone else noticed, and then the song ended, followed by (and maybe it was in my mind) an eruption of cheers that startled me back into reality. A quick gratuitous bow, another fist bump and quick hug with Jeff, and then me and my trusty guitar headed back to my seat. I don't remember if my feet touched the ground on the way back.


    I can't thank everyone enough -- Erin and the Colemans for hosting, Wendy/Edie for pulling this off, John and Jenny, Skyflynn/Kevin and Amy, Jules and Jenna, Neil, Tweedling, Warner, and everyone else -- too many to mention -- whose kind words and encouragement gave me the guts to ask Jeff if he wouldn't mind a partner for Someone Else's Song. Thanks to John and Melissa and Brian for the beautiful souvenirs. I hope I am getting everyone's names right. Last night was a whirlwind. Of course, thanks to my wonderful wife, who promised me that I could pull it off. And who was probably as nervous as I was while she snapped pics and tried to get some video on our camera. :lol


    I will post something soon about the rest of the night (sorry to be so narcissistic :) ). We had a long trip back and I need to go take a nap. But while I am still on a high, I wanted to get as much down about that moment last night as possible. I am desperately trying to hang on to every second, every moment. I don't want any of it to fade.


    Thanks Sue. Thanks Jeff.




    Beautifully stated, and FWIW, I have a feeling these memories won't leave you anytime soon.

  8. I thought of you yesterday. I came across someone who had the exact same name as you, except with an added first letter of the first name (can't remember what it was, but I know it wasn't Puyen).

    Quyen or Huyen perhaps? I wish that stripper with my name still had a Web page. That was pretty fun to point people to.

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