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Posts posted by trevor

  1. umm we just saw ben kill someone, in the desert, at the start of episode 9. so that puts a bit of a hole in that theory.


    i dunno, this show just keeps getting stranger and stranger. these theories always sound kinda lame on paper (or in hypertext, rather) but seem to work well on-screen. we'll see what happens over the next few episodes, there's a lot to tie up in 4 hrs

  2. yeah, of the 4 books i've read by him, Choke was by far my least favourite. think I enjoyed Survivor the most; I read them all during my senior years at high school, and really have zero desire to read any of his stuff again.

  3. interesting theory floating around about claire possibly being a ghost--maybe she died in the episode last week, when the house exploded? it would explain miles' sudden interest in her, her disappearing, being able to see christian, etc.


    also, in the last episode when the boaties were attacking, she said something like "i'll live" after the explosion, and miles said "i wouldn't be so sure about that."


    i dunno, it's a reeeeeeeeal stretch and would require a lot of explanation, but i just read the theory on another site and it piqued my interest. one thing's for sure, i do feel we're going to be getting some answers about the nature of charlie, christian, and jacob before the end of this season.

  4. the fact that only one person so far suggested condoms perplexes me. not that i'm one to promote sleeping around or anything, but...it's...well...it's kind of the university experience. or it can be, for a lot of people (i'm not one of those people).


    but yeah.



  5. just wanted to make sure people were paying attention...since no one else seems to be willing to talk about this except to correct my error, which was intended as a joke.


    loving this album, guys. loving it.

  6. for the most part, the album is much more laidback and relaxing than i expected. some pretty intricate guitarwork throughout. isn't as lush as Ghosts was, and so it's a bit of a return to Red House Painters material in that respect. this one's gonna grow a lot, i think...listening to it for the 2nd time now, "Lost Verses" has got to be hands-down one of the best things Kozelek's ever done.

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