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Posts posted by trevor

  1. yeah, but of all the songs off "Ghosts...", Duk Koo Kim is definitely the one that most resembles RHP--it's got that sprawling nature to it, similar to a lot of his earlier stuff.


    Glad to hear that the new stuff sounds great live, it does indeed bode well for the album. So excited.

  2. yeah, I've had the same difficulty, to some extent. Red House Painters has more slowcore tendencies (I hate that genre label, but it's the first one that comes to mind.) "Ghosts" had me hooked from the first listen, whereas the two RHP discs I've listened to, "Ocean Beach" and "Old Ramon" are only just sinking in after about 10 listens. And the RHP stuff that I've liked the most are the songs that bear the most similarities to SKM. Oh well. They definitely feel like two completely different bands, even though Kozelek has said they are essentially the same band, only under a different banner.

  3. Kind of a bland album title, but that's about all the info that's out there currently. A new update on the official website www.sunkilmoon.com states Mark Kozelek's latest disc will be hitting the shelves April Fools Day.


    Now, I wasn't familiar with Kozelek at all until last February when I heard "Ghosts of the Great Highway" for the first time, and it's been in heavy rotation pretty much ever since then. The only other SKM release has been the "Tiny Cities" CD, which is a bunch of Modest Mouse covers. I've only just started working my way through the Red House Painters catalog, but I'm liking what I've heard so far.


    Anyway, this is for sure one of my most anticipated releases of next year, right up there with British Sea Power, Wolf Parade and Sigur Ros. Anyone else a big fan of Kozelek's work?

  4. in terms of radiohead being on the 'negative dial'...well...there are far, far more depressing bands out there. if i'm feeling down, i'd far rather listen to radiohead than joy division, the cure, nick drake, etc.


    having said that, you have to have the depressing to fully enjoy the positive, life-affirming stuff. it's all about a healthy balance.

  5. so does this mean us in the usa will have acess around 5 or 6?



    if so today just got awesome



    how do you figure this, if it's apparently being released at 10 AM UK time...tomorrow?

    not that i would complain if i came home tonight and found an activation code in my inbox...

  6. that is true, I really like all things spencer

    but its tough to decide who is better in Wolf Parade. Grounds for divorce gives spencer the edge, as it could be my favorite song of the last couple of years but dan writes some really great stuff


    "Grounds for Divorce" gives him the edge, and then "Dear Sons and Daughters..." and "I'll Believe in Anything" puts him over the top.

  7. If this record is any indication, the new Wolf Parade will most likely give me a heart attack. I really hope that drops before the end of the year...I was recently reading an interview with Krug where he said they're still recording. It's taking a while, and I'm guessing that means it won't see the light of day until 2008*


    *in terms of release date. the way things are leaked these days, we'll most likely all hear it this year.

  8. I'm not sure how many people on this board are fans of Spencer Krug's main/side project (not really sure if this is the main project, or if Wolf Parade is), but his latest album "Random Spirit Lover", which is due out in October, just leaked at the end of last week. And holy shit, it is amazing. "Shut Up I am Dreaming" was pretty good, had some great tracks, but also had some which I felt weren't anything too special. On this one though, I wouldn't say there's a single filler track, and almost every song has at least one amazing moment. There are a few points where it's almost overwhelming to the ears.


    Anyway, it's not a band for everyone, that's for sure. It took a while for Krug's voice to sit right with me, and it's definitely a bit of an acquired taste. And that's just his voice I'm talking about--the music is a little all over the place too. But for any Krug fans out there--you will not be disappointed. Believe me.


    Quite possibly my #1 album of the year already, and I've only listened to it twice.

  9. one of the guys who posts over on atease, who apparently is fairly reliable and doesn't BS that much, works at a recording studio or something. according to him, word in the industry is that a major announcement regarding radiohead/LP7 is coming down the pipes at noon on thursday. i haven't read the entire thread, so i'm not sure if that's noon in NA or in the UK, but yeah. trying not to get my hopes up. even if it was just a release date, that'd be nice.


    or an album title.


    or a tracklisting.


    i'll take anything at this point, basically.

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