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Posts posted by explodo

  1. What's up with the vocals? Not a fan of Craig on the verses. The chorus sounds like typical Hold Steady. I was hoping for something a little less poppy/anthemic (Almost Killed Me style), since this is what pre-release interviews have hinted at, but no dice. Sounds like a Stay Positive b-side, which, while not bad, is not good either.

  2. Iowa is producing one of the finest rye whiskeys available. Hard to come by as it's hard to judge demand years out.



    Templeton Rye is amazing. Distilled very near to my girlfriend's house, and her dad has been talking it up for years. In the last two years or so, you can finally get it here in Chicago.

  3. The iPad makes no sense. No e-ink screen means that reading on this thing is just as terrible on my eyes as reading on my laptop. As for the rest of the stuff, we all have devices that do these things if we're the kind of people that want to do any of these things. And those devices do them better.


    The Kindle, on the other hand, is awesome.

  4. I commended Pitchfork only yesterday for their Pearl Jam review, but they're back to their old shenanigans with this one - writing almost exactly the opposite of what I would have written. The only part they got right was saying that Mike Mogis is a highlight. I get the angle - Jim James is the only one stretching here, but who expected this record to be about each of these artists really stretching? Can't it just be good?


    And that Mogis solo on Conan was awesome.

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