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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff10157.htm
  2. That's not the way it works. It's multi-level marketing.
  3. It's Primerica and a scam. Probably.
  4. I do not have any partial toes, but I wouldn't exactly say that I'm missing them.
  5. Oh man, that is so cool. I think I will forward on the PM, because I'm pretty sure we match up on something that was posted years ago, but I don't know if you're also thinking of something more recent.
  6. I assume you mean that you understand the genius of imdwalrus without knowing the specifics of what I'm talking about, or did someone pass along a PM, or, better yet, did you infer the specifics?
  7. It cut like a knife and was (perhaps unintentionally) an indictment of a large collection of posts that a certain poster had made over a matter of years. PM me if you want to understand the genius of imdw.
  8. I found an inappropriate joke that imdwalrus made a few weeks ago pretty funny.
  9. I am a little conflicted about Tommy Lasorda yelling at me about watching baseball, especially when I am presently watching baseball.
  10. Thanks, man. The pizza dough is rising.
  11. I'm not a "sense of humor" person. Mr. disay, I believe that the man with the monkey is messing with you.
  12. I thought they released a report saying that Grimsley had said the opposite about Clemens and Pettite. Maybe that was just a recent quote, though.
  13. That report was more or less debunked. Not that it isn't possible that there are many players on any given team on the juice.
  14. Milton Bradley accidentally spilled coffee on Esteban Loaiza. Did Nick Swisher take HGH to unsquish his face?
  15. I don't think he said creeped out. It seemed more like embarassed. Pretty light hearted.
  16. Aside from the teenage romance stuff, I liked it quite a bit.
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20061003/ts_cs...ASEPEcjZUKs0NUE
  18. I'm sure that's supposed to be 10/3/06.
  19. I know what that is, but the film can not be shortened without excluding essential scenes.
  20. http://allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg&sql=16:99007
  21. Mr. Dunham, We await your evaluation of the Jewel friday night pizza promotion. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Yours, Purchasing
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