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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. This guy has never even flirted with me. 10 years I've known him. Partied with him. It's tripping me out.
  2. Asked? Yes. Moist? Not even close. "OK. Gotta go now."
  3. I'm hoping it was a drug induced anomoly, and keep my mouth shut. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say. If it happens again, I'll know what to say.
  4. Not. It's fucked up. His wife is one of my best friends. Maybe he will forget about the call.
  5. Last night I got a call from the husband of a couple I have known for 10 years. He was jacked up on pain meds from a back injury. He spoke to me in a way that he never has in our long and completely chaste relationship. And then said, "Don't tell..." Jesus, you think you know people.
  6. Holy crap, I have been having some peculiar conversations here lately.
  7. Spanking is not a good method for discipline, and should be used only as a last resort. Implicit trust of the parent by the child is the best way to teach.
  8. Still, there is something satisfying watching one's puke stream out at 50 miles per hour.
  9. So you're saying I should have cleaned my own puke? She liked it there.
  10. I can't qoute either. Bastids! I once threw up red wine all along the passenger side of my friend's Maverick. She left the puke vestiges on the car until she sold it a couple of years later. (The car, not the puke.)
  11. With a $10 payment last January, it seems I shoud retain privileges till the end of October. Editing my post is no longer gratis. As soon as the Paypal deposit comes through I will reup. Just curious, however.
  12. I don't have editing privileges either. Are you our Greek?
  13. Via Chicago is a terrific place on the internets. Thanks for building it. Good luck to you, Jeff. Be well and happy!
  14. Wait a minute. If a kind patron paid $10.00 in my name to the VC coffer in January of ot 5, shouldn't I still have the month of October before I'm thrown off teh VC tit? kidsmoke is going to have some 'splaining to do.
  15. I've been looking so long at these pictures of you That I almost believe that they're real I've been living so long with my pictures of you That I almost believe that the pictures are All I can feel Remembering You standing quiet in the rain As I ran to your heart to be near And we kissed as the sky fell in Holding you close How I always held close in your fear Remembering You running soft through the night You were bigger and brighter and wider than snow And screamed at the make-believe Screamed at the sky And you finally found all your courage To let it all go Remembering You fallen into
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