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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. The crack Boulder police department has a job with your name on it.
  2. Yeah, well mine was sleeping with me at that age. I'm sure not going to stand in judgement of a family in a situation like that.
  3. No to being at home alone. Big house. Kids sleeping on separate floors from parents. Child stolen from her bed, sexually assaulted and brutally murdered in basement of house. Mother dies of ovarian cancer this last year. How can it not smell fishy when you make up your mind with not even a modicum of the facts.
  4. I have always heard that the best gift has import to the giver. Happy birthday Tom. I hope your girlfriend doesn't put a damper on your day off festivities!
  5. Awww. I've been seeded alright.
  6. With ction's "gift". Oh yes. I got it all!
  7. And I am close to being completely impregnated!!@@ OMG!!!!
  8. OMG!!! I Love LA~ Randy Newman. Hate New York City It's cold and it's damp And all the people dressed like monkeys Let's leave Chicago to the Eskimos That town's a little bit too rugged For you and me you bad girl Rollin' down the Imperial Highway With a big nasty redhead at my side Santa Ana winds blowin' hot from the north And we was born to ride Roll down the window put down the top Crank up the Beach Boys baby Don't let the music stop We're gonna ride it till we just can't ride it no more From the South Bay to the Valley From the West Side to the East Side Everybody's very happy 'C
  9. No he doesn't! Note the fine high forehead, and intelligent, wizened eyes.
  10. He's so rakishly handsome in this shot.
  11. Do it as soon as you can much as you can and wherever you can.
  12. I Alan Arkin. I don't think my mom would endorse chasing the dragon, but I never know what she might say.
  13. The conversation recreation is for you Jess. My mom is 71. Me: So Bethany has suggested that when dating, one should not give it up too quickly. Mom: Give what up? Me: You know..."IT". That's what you always told me. Mom: Oh. I can't say that any more. Me: Really? Why not? Mom: Because I really wish I'd done xxx xxxxx, and he's dead now. I think about that alot. So, do it whenever you can. You never know when will be your last chance. Me: You're sick.
  14. Blasphemer. Cowgirl Camp for you and your cohorts.
  15. San Francisco~ Lucero Hmm. I think I'll play it now.
  16. OMG! I watched that not long ago. I wanted to be that man so bad. Ahhh. I'm packing my backpack... And Brianne...if you hike from the top of Mt. Tam down into the Muir Valley and back out again like I did, you will see miles and miles of no people.
  17. I KNOW!! I have never been, but since I know someone that works there... If all of us could self actualize like these two women...two years ago they liquidated their lives and bought a big truck and camper, left two wonderful jobs, etc, to find their dreams. My cousin is a park ranger at Yellowstone, and her long time love just this spring passed the federale law enforcement program and also works at the park. They sent me these wonderful pics. They live at the park!
  18. One more then...for the road. "Morning Glory."
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