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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. I would like to thank Chac, Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc for the storms that knocked me out of bed last night.
  2. I have always dug this song and video. It's all late night, knob smoking, MTV watching, nasty talking with my sister kinda video. Good times, good times.
  3. Nothing quite like having a conversation with myself. Thanks for weighing in there, bubba.
  4. Nope. I just got to see the best show of the tour... Only the first Fillmore evening was filmed. My sister and I, along with a "pack of VCers" were at the second.
  5. Where does the huge disparity arise between our attitudes about boys and girls? Switch the genders and comments might be different. Dunno. Just asking 'cause I'm not a guy.
  6. Yummy. How kind of you to offer! Wild Oats is a bit closer, though I may take you up on that one day. It took me all of 4 days to eat those. In other news, I have this night all to myself. Me: What are you gonna do? Me: Whatever the hell I want.
  7. Recently someone sent me their vacation pictures via YouSendIt, and this is the message that I got: Internal error. Please try again later. I'm sending some stuff today...I hope it gets there.
  8. I am almost out of maple sugar covered almonds, and getting that panicy feeling that I used to get when I was almost out of cigarettes.
  9. I will make her listen to it over and over. We're going to work up a routine. She has waaaay better moves than I do. Me: Where did you learn to dance like that? Sarah: *shrug*
  10. Yes, yes it is. Fucking hot, awesome sound. Thank you very much. I breed well.
  11. I think I'll go to the lake for swimming and hiking. Thanks for asking.
  12. How about this: she said if love if love is a poison cup then drink it up because a sip a sip or a spoonful won't do won't do nothing for you but mess you up
  13. "Sometimes they are driven to thrash their time machines around frenetically as the sound wave pattern starts to literally move them deeply. It is at this time, when Michael is manipulating metallic tension devices in order to summon up these vibrations, that he is at his center. The center of his meat and bone time machine. Connecting himself in some way with the pale green B flat that dominates the known universe, at a wave length so long that you can't hear it, but it is playing out, that big bang chord and all of us in our organic time machines either harmonize or create dissonance across
  14. Geofftivus! Happy birthday Mr. Tweedy! Have a glorious birthday.
  15. Tomorrow Sarah gets a big girl hair style. Bye bye long hair. "You only like that Vaxxine song so much because you haven't heard Greenday do "Paradise."
  16. With every listen, (I would hate to venture), I am more astounded by his guitar talent. Deceptively simple on first listens, but has continued to unfold every time. Gushing. Sorry.
  17. There is nothing in this thread that piques my curiosity about this show in the tiniest. Maybe you just have to be there. If the actual dialogue is anything like that video, I'd have to use the AK on the television.
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