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Rank the Cure albums

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1. Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me

2. The Head on the Door

3. The Top

4. Disintegration

5. Wish

6. Pornography

7. Seventeen Seconds

8. Japanese Whispers

9. Bloodflowers

10. The Cure

11. Wild Mood Swings

12. Boys Don't Cry

13. Three Imaginary Boys

14. Faith

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1. Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me

2. The Head on the Door

3. The Top

4. Disintegration

5. Wish

6. Pornography

7. Seventeen Seconds

8. Japanese Whispers

9. Bloodflowers

10. The Cure

11. Wild Mood Swings

12. Boys Don't Cry

13. Three Imaginary Boys

14. Faith


Topic was done a little while back....Give Faith another try as an album. the First 5 songs kick butt!




My ranking anyways:


1. Disintegration

2. Pornography

3. Bloodflowers

4. Head on the Door

5. Japanese Whispers

6. Faith

7. Seventeen Seconds

8. Boy's Don't Cry

9. The Top

10. Kiss Me

11. Wish

12. Wild Mood Swings

13. The Cure

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Boys Don't Cry

Head on the Door


everything else.



Used to be an alright Cure fan: my twin's favorite band is the Cure, so the Cure rubbed off on me as well. I think that above all, their singles way outweigh their other songs. I tend to find their albums pretty boring.

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