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I wouldn't exactly call the EP version "slow ass" but I totally agree with the statement above.

However they play it, it is a great song.

it's still pretty slow compared to the live version they'd been playing over the last 3-4 years though, that's for sure.






Neon Bible:








if you listen to the Neon Bible or CBC version then back to the EP right away, the EP one seems almost downright boring imo. the vocal performance on it leaves a LOT to be desired too, not to mention the lackluster drumming on it (Jeremy didn't play on it then obviously).

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the old EP version was really slow and prodding, this new one is modeled after the live version that they've been playing the last 4 years now, only w/ a bit more orchestration.


A number of their songs have picked up in tempo since they've begun playing them live. That's par for the course with a lot of bands, so I would've been surprised if the newly recorded version hadn't been faster than the old EP one.


the CBC in-studio version is still the best though ("this is not a wedding")


I'll definitely agree to that. The Haiti performance from that set is also incredible.


but i think they knocked this new version out of the park, and as a result it's easily a highpoint of the record (as it's always been one of their best songs live)


It's definitely a great song, but it's probably the low point of a very solid album for me, if only because it's a barely modified version of a four-year-old song that's been played to death over a similar number of years. Yeah, it's still great, but nowhere near as fresh or interesting as the, er, actual new stuff.

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3.5 stars from Rolling Stone's David Fricke (whom i talked to at Thusday nights gig in NYC). Too low of a score, but a great review still, by one of their last great writers:




(they have the wrong title & album art currently, dumbasses)


i'd probably rather it get a bit lower score than it deserves, than to get 5 stars or something from a shit rag like RS.

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A number of their songs have picked up in tempo since they've begun playing them live. That's par for the course with a lot of bands, so I would've been surprised if the newly recorded version hadn't been faster than the old EP one.


It's definitely a great song, but it's probably the low point of a very solid album for me, if only because it's a barely modified version of a four-year-old song that's been played to death over a similar number of years. Yeah, it's still great, but nowhere near as fresh or interesting as the, er, actual new stuff.

listen more closely, there's a lot more changes than you're giving it credit for (the huge ass Czech orchestra/horn section for one). the band recorded 19-20 songs for this record, so it's not like they didn't have their pick. they realize it's one of their strongest songs in it's newer arrangement. Regine commented recently on the re-recorded version, saying that this is what they'd always envisioned the song to sound like, but didn't have the resources or money to do so when they recorded the EP in 2002.


also, while some (and it's a pretty small minority) may not like it as much, or find it a bit lame they re-did it, MANY people's first exposure to No Cars Go will be on "Neon Bible".

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