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Two Cow Garage III

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I am not a gotta get an album on the first day kind of guy, but I did get Two Cow Garage's third album and think it is pretty good. Still not sure why they bother with a keyboard player, since he is totally lost in the power trio mix.


Two Cow is touring behind this and will be at the Hideout in a few weeks. Always a fun and very loud band.



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By the way, Micah's home made album with his father is worth a listen too.


And don't forget John Boston's "Whiskey Bender" DVD with all kinds of interviews and footage from a previous road trip. (Cheap plugola....)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Resurrecting an old thread here. I downloaded the new Two Cow Garage album last night from emusic since people here have raved about them, and since I recently moved back to Columbus and I wanted to check out the new "hometown band".


For all those reasons I really wanted to like them--but my first impression is pretty lousy, actually. Am I missing something? I don't mind hoarse vocals, but these are almost comically so (reminds me a little of Marah, who I never warmed up to), and the backing music feels kind of bland at first listen. I'm not sure what I was expecting them to sound like, but thus far I'm not too impressed. I generally trust the collective VC wisdom not to steer me down a bad path, so I'm probably missing something or wasn't in the right mood for it or whatever. I'll give it a few more tries and see if I come around to it.

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Two things.....


1. Nearly everything we hear has to do with how we relate to an artist on a personal level. Two Cow Garage is no exception. After seeing them, talking to them, and knowing that these guys are major road warriors, it becomes easier to think of them as the guys down the block who have been practicing in their garage and really want to suceed. This is as true for 2Cow as it is for Wilco. There are artists I know I am really supposed to like, but just can't get around to relating to (Elliot Smith for example, who I even have a couple of his CDs but just never get around to listening to; I just can't get that emotionally invested in Radiohead either) and therefore aren't really artists I am that involved with. There are countless recording artists and usually it is the ones that people have a vested interest in that you return to time and again. The fact that these guys are from Ohio, which is where I am from also colors my feelings about them. Also they seem to channel Uncle Tupelo without really knowing they are. And finally they just seem to have a small but dedicated Chicago VC following and it is fun to go see them with the people I know.


2. Two Cow is a true garage band. They play rather loud and rough and fairly unpolished songs. They play a kind of smash and bash rock that many groups no longer play. I don't know that it translates that well on to records. This album, like their other two are fairly DIY affairs. I can only recommend you see them to get what they do and then maybe you will understand the recorded material, or relating to point number one, maybe not.


Either way it doesn't really matter. There are plenty of other groups out there and maybe they aren't really what you want or need. Nothing wrong with that.


GloNo, in association with Whiskey Bender, is going to produce some acoustic songs by them tonight, which will be up on GloNo some time in the future and they are also going to produce some concert footage Thursday night when they play the Hideout, which I am sure will be posted as well. Seeing them may help, if not, no biggie.



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2. Two Cow is a true garage band. They play rather loud and rough and fairly unpolished songs. They play a kind of smash and bash rock that many groups no longer play. I don't know that it translates that well on to records. This album, like their other two are fairly DIY affairs. I can only recommend you see them to get what they do and then maybe you will understand the recorded material, or relating to point number one, maybe not.

Yeah, its no biggie. After I wrote that I realized it probably came out sounding unnecessarily harsh. For whatever reason I think this is a band I was really expecting to like, and after hearing people rave about them, and this album in particular, it surprised me that I was kind of like "Really? This is it?" Oh well.


In respect to the "smash and bash", I think maybe I was expecting something a bit more raucous and the album struck me as a bit more restrained and poppy than I was expecting. Not necessarily bad, but less up my alley. A live show might be a better representation of what this band is about. Or I might feel different about the music if I shelve it and come back at it fresh. Dunno. I really didn't mean to come out bashing this morning...sorry, I hadn't had my coffee yet. :coffee

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There is really nothing to appologize for. It isn't necessary to like everyone out there. They are just a bunch of young guys trying to make a go of it, playing some cowpunk and not quitting, despite everything.


Just remember if you see them to take some earplugs..they turn up their amps really high. Fun guys to talk to also.



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I may have spoke too soon. Listening again on headphones at work and am digging it considerably more this time around.

Well if you ever come to Chicago to see them, the first beer is on me. They get even better with a few beers.



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Not to keep promoting 2 Cow (but why not??), stay tuned to GloNo for what will be some interesting acoustic songs from the two songwriters in the group and also an interview with the band that was shot last night. Tonight we are shooting part of the show at the Hideout, which should also be very fun.



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