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"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"


Fuck Jerry Falwell right in his stupid fucking face.

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Reductio ad Hitlerum within the first page. Well done.


Only 21 posts before El Famous opened the thread, found what he was looking for, and said "Well done."


Well done!

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I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when The Lord explained to Rev. Falwell where he went wrong. I'm sure Jerry's quite embarrassed at this point.

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As much as I disagreed with Falwell, I still believe in public decorum... Rest In Peace, Jerry.


Isn't this the left's chance to show the difference between ourselves and his brand of hateful rhetoric?

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Isn't this the left's chance to show the difference between ourselves and his brand of hateful rhetoric?


I'm sure that Falwell was offensive to many people on the right, as well.

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That is the question. How do you fight intolerance? With tolerance or more intolerance?

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That is the question. How do you fight intolerance? With tolerance or more intolerance?


If you are Falwell, then you use intolerance. If you are MLK or Gandhi, then tolerance.

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As much as I disagreed with Falwell, I still believe in public decorum... Rest In Peace, Jerry.


Isn't this the left's chance to show the difference between ourselves and his brand of hateful rhetoric?


Jerry Falwell's brand of hateful rhetoric wasn't aimed at one person. He aimed it at entire groups of people. I say it's fine to be hateful towards him. Not towards all fat, rich, greedy, offensive christian leaders, just him.

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If you are Falwell, then you use intolerance. If you are MLK or Gandhi, then tolerance.

Yes, but if people in Germany in the late '20s had been a little more intolerant toward intolerance, a lot of trouble would have been spared.

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