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red rocks this summer?

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anyone heard rumblings of any red rocks shows in late summer/early fall. theyve already said they will be heading west later on in the summer, just wondering if anyone has heard any kind of solid red rocks rumor. would love to make that trip happen, would be my first show at red rocks and what a perfect band to see there!

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From the last Wilco HQ email -


"If you live west of the MIssissippi, fear not... the band head that way later in the summer. So be patient, okay?"




I assume this refers in part to Colorady...


A late summer Red Rocks Date would be hard to beat! Though hopefully they don't have the same sound issues as lat time!

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I've been waiting very patiently for a Red Rocks date this summer!! I've got my hopes up though wanting a late summer Telluride Town Park concert, living on the western slope and all. I can't wait til they announce these dates!!!

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