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Computer/Internet questions...

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Our internet provider (Shockware) just called and said that we have a 5GB limit per month for our internet (my mom was the one talking to him so she may not have described what he said properly).


Then he said that today, we've used 2 GB of that (in one day)


Just the last couple of days the internet has been extremely slow and sometimes didn't connect at all.


The guy on the phone says the 2GB in one day thing could be caused by a virus, or file sharing.




1. Does the 5GB limit refer to the amount that I can download per month? Or is it something else? (I'm sure I've downloaded more than 5 GB/month on many occassions)


2. I have been using Azerus to download the Germany shows, but I always tend to download quite a bit. Does this have anything to do with it?


3. I was under the impression that viruses affecting Mac's are rare and uncommon. Is there a way to check whether or not I have a virus?


Thanks for any help! I would have called my bro, but he's in class tonight and i'm impatient to figure out what's going on. Thanks again!



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Jamie, I asked my computer guy (hubby) and he said that the 5Gb limit is traffic both ways, meaning the people who are downloading from you also count toward that 5Gb limit when you use Azerus...so that may account for the 2Gb in one day thing.


(For example, if the show you downloaded was a 1Gb, and your share ratio was close to 1, then you would have used 2Gb...which is upload plus download if that makes sense?)


Thought I'd throw that out there...hubby doubts it's a virus too.


Know there's a lot of computer knowledge here so maybe someone else can confirm that or has a better idea.






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