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4th of July with Von

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Okay so this is obnoxious, but I keep feeling each time I see Von Freeman that it may be the last time. He was great the last time (a few weeks back in May), but the crowd was light and the usual bartender was gone, although she did come in to drink with the patrons rather than serve them. Von is verging on 85 and just like with Fred Anderson (the other Chicago tenor legend) who just returned to stage after 6 months with health problems, Von's run of luck could run out...


Anyway I plan to be at the New Apartment on July 3 and stay longer than usual if possible. Anyone else going to be in town? This is a unique experience, even when Von is slightly off, and one that should not be missed, because when it is over after its 25 year run (actually he has been doing it longer than that if you consider he played a different club prior to the New Apartment), there won't be an experience quite like this one. It is free by the way, you just have to buy a few drinks and Von's band is incredible.



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i have work in the loop till 9; do you know how late he tends to play? and how id get there from jackson redline?

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you think the bartendar will haide the makers from me again?
Nah..new bartender....



i have work in the loop till 9; do you know how late he tends to play? and how id get there from jackson redline?
They play really late and don't even start until 10 or 10:30. You would have to take the el to 75th street and get the bus from there. Not starting the discussion about how safe or not safe it is.



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They play really late and don't even start until 10 or 10:30. You would have to take the el to 75th street and get the bus from there. Not starting the discussion about how safe or not safe it is.





haha! that guy will come back and yell at you.

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haha! that guy will come back and yell at you.

You mean Deni who I ran out of here? I sure hope so...


The argument back then was about Kate taking the el to the south side in the middle of the night (in the winter). JC4pres is a relatively young GUY and he might be okay if he watches himself. I must admit that more recently that part of the south side looks a lot less threating than it used to, although frankly I wouldn't do public trans down there myself.


I just really don't care to start this argument again, so to each his own. You can get there from downtown, that's all I have to say.... :lol



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it should as no big surprise that i will not be able to attend...we'll actually be in southern illinois at relatives.
How far south...looks like TG will be south then as well.



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Anna, IL...about a half hour further south than carbondale. Our first extensive car ride/trip w/ the twins...should be interesting.
Yea...i know about where that is..you should have fun...Rosie is planning a 4th of July trip down there to be with the college friends.



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Excuse me for my ignorance, but who actually is Von Freeman. I am interested in knowing because I am curious person when it comes to music.


Short note, I did read the article about Fred Anderson in the tribune (not to far back-I think?).

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Excuse me for my ignorance, but who actually is Von Freeman. I am interested in knowing because I am curious person when it comes to music.


Short note, I did read the article about Fred Anderson in the tribune (not to far back-I think?).



from his website:

A short biography of Von Freeman:


At age 16 Von played tenor in Horace Henderson's big band for a year. He was drafted into the Navy during WWII and after his return to Chicago he played with his brothers George on guitar and Bruz (Eldrige) on drums at the Pershing Hotel Ballroom. Various leading jazzmen such as Charlie Parker, Roy Eldridge and Dizzy Gillespie played there with the Freeman's as the backing band. In the early 50s Von played in Sun Ra's band. Von's first venture into the recording studio was for Andrew Hill's second single on the Ping label. He did some recording for Vee Jay with Jimmy Witherspoon and Al Smith in the late fifties and appeared and was recorded at a Charlie Parker tribute concert in 1970. It was not until 1972 that Von first recorded under his own name with the support of Roland Kirk. His next effort was a marathon session in 1975 released over 2 albums by Nessa. Since then his recordings have included 3 albums with his son, the tenorist Chico Freeman. Von is considered a founder of the Chicago school of jazz tenorists along with Gene Ammons, Johnny Griffin and Clifford Jordan.


Von's recorded output is not prolific for his years on the scene, in fact it has probably taken off most in the last ten years or so. His vinyl LPs can be hard to track down especially those that have not yet received CD release, but he still lives in Chicago and can be caught playing live there on a regular basis.

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Excuse me for my ignorance, but who actually is Von Freeman. I am interested in knowing because I am curious person when it comes to music.


Short note, I did read the article about Fred Anderson in the tribune (not to far back-I think?).

Thanks to Kris for supplying the info on Von. Both Von and Fred are Chicago jazz icons. Von plays more mainstream/bebop type fare, whereas Fred is strictly free and avant in his approach. Then again Fred is nearly a decade younger than Von.


I would go see either one of these guys whenever you can, because despite their age they are still very good players and will not be around long. Von seems pretty healthy, but a heavy dose of the jazz life (booze, cigarettes, musician hours, etc.) is bound to take its toll eventually. Fred has just returned from some sort of health crises which lasted six months. He is appearing very frail. Fred can be seen frequently playing at his club the Velvet Lounge often in the company of one of my favorite drummers, Hamid Drake. Von's regular free Tuesday night gig, the one we are talking about here, is free and his band of young white guys is incredible.


While there are plenty of great players out there who are younger and maybe more technically proficient (or maybe not), both Von and Fred are guys who came up the hard way, playing gigs, barely getting by, and never getting much recognition until much later in life. The likes of both of these guys may never be seen again.


(Regarding recordings of these guys, both have recorded many fine records in the last 10 years; Von has some great albums on Premonition records and Fred has some kick ass stuff on Thrill Jockey {yea that Thrill Jockey}, Okkadisk, and Delmark, much of it with Hamid Drake.)



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Sounds great: big thanks for the info. I would try and go on July 4, but I have family shit, but I will try to catch him this summer.

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Sounds great: big thanks for the info. I would try and go on July 4, but I have family shit, but I will try to catch him this summer.



I don't know if this would change your decision or not, but the gig is the night of July 3rd.

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it's at a bar, so 21+

The time I took Rosie they didn't ask, but then again she was with me. It has not be uncommon in the past for HS kids to come in to play in the late jam session, but there is a doorman later in the evenings and while I have not seen him card anyone, this could be the first time.



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You know I love it that I turn 18 because know I have no trouble to get into 18+ shows. But then it's like shit, there are still a lot of 21+ shows of bands or artists I want to see. I hate it!

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