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The Brian JonesTown Massacre

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I think its pretty obvious the guys a total self absorbed piece of crap, but if you deny his genius I dont think you've listened to the bulk of his catalog


OK, since you've called him a genius like 5 times now.....please expound on what makes him so. Besides him calling himself one in DIG. What has he done musically that 1,000,000 other bands haven't done better before him? The sitar has been around a long time you know. George Harrison was a genius, Anton....sorry man, don't hear it at all. Have you heard many records from the 60's?

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I never saw them back in the 90s when I lived in Chicago, but they were sure hyped a lot. Kinda wished i did tho. Loved the Dig doc, but was a little let down by the albums i bought after seeing it. Lots of killer stuff, but not killer albums back to front. I could listen to That Girl Suicide for hours straight!

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I think his song writing is incredible. I never said he covered new ground or did something different than other bands. I never said anything about the sitar being a ground breaking instrument. I'm an audiophile Im well familiar with music from the 60's

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finally caught 'dig' last night. the movie was extremely entertaining.


i've been a dandy warhols fan since 'come down', although they started to lose me w/ 'odditorium'. i've had a couple of buddies that have tried to get me into BJM for years and have been forced to listen to just about everything they've put out, but outside of the fantastic band name...i find their actual output kind of bland and derivative. it's not even about anybody having to be groundbreaking or not, i just don't think anton's take on that era of music is really that interesting. a few good tunes and that's about it.

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all I know is the more of this guys catalog I listen to, the happier I am that I discovered him.

That's a good feeling! I love it when that happens!


But it doesn't happen with every band for every person. :hmm



I also enjoyed "Dig" and it made me curious about the two bands, and I liked some of the Dandy Warhols and some of the BJM I ran across, and it was a sweet but short-lived interest for me, as I moved on to something else in search of that sometimes elusive feeling of Just Loving Everything about a new band.

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have you heard thank god for mental illness?


i've had a couple of buddies that have tried to get me into BJM for years and have been forced to listen to just about everything they've put out, but outside of the fantastic band name...i find their actual output kind of bland and derivative.
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  • 11 months later...

"Dig" is a good movie that was never made. There is alot of talk about all the footage the director got and then he reused the same footage over and over at a few points. Fun movie, but it needed someone else to edit it and make a coherant statement about both bands.



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wheres a good place to start with this band? i've been meaning to get into them.
I am kind of the wrong person to answer, but I have Tepid Peppermint Wonderland: A Retrospective which seems to be a pretty good comp of their stuff for the uninitiated. I have never had the desire to buy another album, but that is just me.


Actually I really like the Dandy Warhols, but not a huge fan or anything.



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