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Dismemberment Plan

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oh man, i loved them. i saw them once in 2001, or early 2002 (i can't remember), and it was AMAZING. it was when they toured with death cab, before death cab got all slow and emoooo. they called it the death and dismemberment tour :lol

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That Travis guy used to hang out at a coffee shop in Fairfax that me and my buddy Jeff used to frequent. Jeff kinda knew him a little bit from hanging out there, and I kinda remember talking to him a few times. He seemed like a nice enough guy, and was real excited about the band. This was right as they were starting, and a few months later I recognized the band name as I saw their first 7" in a local store. I bought it, and I doubt I've listened to it more than 5 times. A lot of people whose opinions I respect really like them, but I still only have that one record.


I only remember all this because I kept noticing his band getting bigger and thought it was cool.

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I first heard of them because a good friend of my brother and sister-in-law produced (or co-produced?) their Emergency & I album. I can't say that they're 100% my thing, but I do like that album.


Coincidentally, that's the same guy who produced (or again, co-produced) the new Georgie James album. :thumbup

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That Travis guy used to hang out at a coffee shop in Fairfax that me and my buddy Jeff used to frequent.

According to Wikipedia, most of them went to Lake Braddock HS...which means I can't like them anymore cuz we all know that West Springfield roolz!!1 Or something.


I remember the first time I saw them was completely by accident. They were playing a place in the MD burbs where I used to hang out a lot with one of my ex-gfs and we almost left b/c when we saw the marquee we thought it was death-metal night. :lol We stuck around and it was a really fun show. I moved out of the area, but I was vaguely aware that the band was getting pretty big. I didn't get around to buying their albums and getting really into them until right before they broke up. Oh well.

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Saw them at their 4 last shows, then again at their reunion benefit for Callum Robbins at the Black Cat in DC (April 2007).


I have to say, nothing prepared me for seeing this band live in top form. When they were breaking up they were tired and the cracks started showing. Given 4 years off, the band was freaking out the crowd was freaking out the band was freaking out the crowd was freaking out the band

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Is this producer friend of a friend you are talking about Chad Clark?

Yeah. I think he's an old friend of my sister-in-law and is now also a good friend of my brother, though I may have that backwards. I've met him once or twice while visiting (my brother and his family live in the D.C. area).


His own bands were pretty good, too -- Smart Went Crazy and Beauty Pill. I think Beauty Pill may still be functioning.

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