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Things I think are wrong with this country

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I love my job. (just to clear that up)


I would like to say thank you to Bjorn for this thread. It is good to hear different sides of stories. Even if there is some name-calling. I mean that....no sarcasm.

You are welcome, and I wish the ad hominem attacks would cease. I am also a bit disappointed by the lack of fervor (fervour) for the Looney Tunes situation. That problem will not solve itself.

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Aerosmith's "Seasons of Wither" not being the national anthem.
Steven Tyler being allowed to morph into Joan Rivers.
It is - in certain places in Nevada and on VH1 reality shows.
You make a valid point. Perhaps I'm what's wrong with this country?
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Steven Tyler being allowed to morph into Joan Rivers.You make a valid point. Perhaps I'm what's wrong with this country?


I witnessed Mr. Tyler stride through the lobby of the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, MA about 3 years ago

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Fantasies, Well Meant



I must have hit a nerve. While in Las Vegas last week, I interviewed the mayor, Oscar Goodman, who enthusiastically explained how legalizing prostitution and creating a series of

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You forgot monster trucks

My nephew would cry if he saw that.

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You forgot monster trucks


Mosnter trucks rule. The concept of people paying money to sit in a stadium and watch people drive monster trucks around in a mud bog though...yeah, that's kinda lame.


Oh, snap!



Oh yeah, here's one more:


Sir Stewart

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Other things wrong with this country -



Ray Romano



Oh Christ, yes! How did this guy last so long with that terminally unfunny show? The chick who played his wife was bangable though.

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""The situation is grave," said Dr. Michael Gerardi, a spokesman for the emergency doctors' group, American College of Emergency Physicians. "We are a symptom of the disease that is the health care system."


In many areas of the country, especially in cities because of large numbers of uninsured people, emergency rooms are crushing under the increased volume and patient care is often compromised, doctors insisted.


"We are not adapting very well," said Dr. Daniel Higgins, the medical director of emergency service at Saint Francis Medical Center in Lynwood, Calif., where 27 percent of the patients are uninsured and emergency room visits have risen 13 percent in five years."



Orwellian shit such as this:


White House talks up

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The Founding Fathers declared that we are "endowed with unalienable rights, among them are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Does it not then follow that in order to have life we must have health?


So every death is a violation of rights? The purpose of the government is to ensure that we don't die...ever? Or is it possible that the Founding Fathers meant that we had a right to not be killed by other people?

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