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Clear Channel will not play the new Bruce

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and no, tunnel of love didn't include glory days. never said that did i? it's all about reading comprehension. check into it skippy.

O ... K ...



It wasn't just Crowdude who read your posts that way, but whatever.

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i'm just bitchy today.


my apologies.




Check into it bud...

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I didn't really post this to start a bitch fight over the quality or lack of quality in the current Burce release. Nope my intention was more along the lines of what the f@#* is wrong with Radio these days. i.e. when a very few corporate entities control the content of what we hear nationally it is a bad thing. It takes all the regional tastes and quirks out of the market. For instance way back in the day when stations would do their greatest song listings most woul have Freebird or Stairway at the top of their lists. Through the quirks of their local markets Seatle seemd to always have Godzilla atop their list. With the huge chains controlling the content the top choice in every city will be pretty homogenous nation wide. But I guess that is nothow all of this turned out. By the way I can not include XRT in any serious discussions about radio because I find their on-air personalities to be pretentious douche bags. And seemignly every time I get up to Chicago they seem to have the same playlist that they had for the last 20 years with a sprinkiling of some newer songs here and there.

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let's just face it, corporations run our lives, starting with our government trickling all the way down to the cereal our kids scoop into their mouthes. Entertainment in all forms is no different, radio, books, film, whatever.


I bet Bruce is somewhat proud he's not on mainstream radio, he apparently doesn't need the airplay to sell records.

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