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FOLKS IN BANDS - Post your AllMusic.com links

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I just think that AllMusic.com is pretty much the bible of music on the internet. Objective. And as complete as any resource. Essentially, I felt that if I could get a listing on there, that I would have made my mark. Not only did I get a listing, but I got a review! In my eyes, it pretty much validated me as a musician.


Hop On Pop - As Drawn By Ethan, Age 2



It's positive, but fair -- and not glowing. Still, again, I feel validated.


I would love to see any listings/reviews that y'all have up on that site.

Consider this thread a running record of who is in what band, and what they're doing.



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I think if you want a running list of people who are in bands, most of them aren't going to have allmusic links to post. But maybe I'm wrong...


No. You're probably right.

But, um, maybe it would be cool to see AllMusic listings here, anyway. I know that there are a couple of folks here. Riviera guys? I think they post here? And I think that they have a listing.


EDIT: Here is how you can submit your band's music


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kudos on getting a review from them ....


we didn't one, but here is the link





HERE is your link:



Sometime you gotta play with it a bit before you get the right address.

And... how long ago did you release the record?

Sometimes they're a little slower in getting the smaller indie reviews up there.

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I seem to be there through no fault of my own





Once again, is THIS you?:



Been active!

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O.K. the first one I thought of was the 5 uu's. I can't get the url cept for http://wm05.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll and that ain't it. But enter 5 uu's under artist and it'll come up. My name is listed under the "performed songs by" er somin. Anyway, all those wierd California bands were in the org. called COMA back in the day, including N.C.


I lasted about a year in the 5 uu's but grew up with Dave Kerman. Most of the original uu's were at a 30 year high school reunion this Sept.


Amazing were still alive . . .

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O.K. the first one I thought of was the 5 uu's. I can't get the url cept for http://wm05.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll and that ain't it. But enter 5 uu's under artist and it'll come up. My name is listed under the "performed songs by" er somin. Anyway, all those wierd California bands were in the org. called COMA back in the day, including N.C.


I lasted about a year in the 5 uu's but grew up with Dave Kerman. Most of the original uu's were at a 30 year high school reunion this Sept.


Amazing were still alive . . .


5 UU's:



And that's some nice writeups, there.

Very nice, indeed.

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The Burning Dirty Band is there...


We're not skinny enough, whiny enough, or from Brooklyn enough to warrant a review, however.


Listening to your stuff up at MySpace and I am loving it.

I think that your issue re: reviews is the fact that you don't have a label pushing for you.

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Listening to your stuff up at MySpace and I am loving it.

I think that your issue re: reviews is the fact that you don't have a label pushing for you.


It 'tis. Preparing to make a push to some labels when our DVD is complete. We do have some contacts through our connection with Pavement/Silver Jews that might help us out, but it's a tough road to gain traction.


Music is a war of attrition. Stick around long enough and people have to start paying attention. It's the Guided by Voices career plan.

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And you warrant a BIO, too.

By the way, the reviews make me want to buy your albums... sound right up my alley.

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