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Is Jessica Simpson cute?

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Yes. Its called character. The President has packed every single federal agency with ex attorneys/industry execs that were suing them all through the Clinton administration. It takes the idea of the wolves gaurding the henhouse to a new level. Democrats dont do that.



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Yes. Its called character. The President has packed every single federal agency with ex attorneys/industry execs that were suing them all through the Clinton administration. It takes the idea of the wolves gaurding the henhouse to a new level. Democrats dont do that.


keep telling yourself that :rolleyes

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Yes. Its called character. The President has packed every single federal agency with ex attorneys/industry execs that were suing them all through the Clinton administration. It takes the idea of the wolves gaurding the henhouse to a new level. Democrats dont do that.


For once, well, for once, I

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Yes. Its called character. The President has packed every single federal agency with ex attorneys/industry execs that were suing them all through the Clinton administration. It takes the idea of the wolves gaurding the henhouse to a new level. Democrats dont do that...

...quite so blatantly.




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I am really fascinated by imagery, marketing, etc and its influence and affect on the self esteem and self image of young girls and women...
I'm with ya! After I started studying this stuff, my perception of my own childhood became totally whacked. I can definitely look back and see where I was manipulated as a kid. Now, as a parent to a three year old girl, this stuff has taken a huge spot on my radar of crap to look out for.


Edit: This is good stuff too: http://www.thebodyproject.com/

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I'm with ya! After I started studying this stuff, my perception of my own childhood became totally whacked. I can definitely look back and see where I was manipulated as a kid. Now, as a parent to a three year old girl, this stuff has taken a huge spot on my radar of crap to look out for.


Edit: This is good stuff too: http://www.thebodyproject.com/


I am familiar with that book, though haven't read it - it is on my wishlist already, though :)

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Democrats stock federal agencies with corporate whores??? You guys dont know much about Washington do you???


Ok, seriously, are you posting from another planet, a planet on which Democrats are not politicians, just as subject to corruption as the next guy, but heavenly, virginal angels beyond the grasp of power, money and influence?


And, if the answer is yes, is your planet in need of ex-patriots?



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You don't understand. IRDB lives in Washington, so he automatically knows more about it than any of us.


and he's better at weather.

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Ok, seriously, are you posting from another planet, a planet on which Democrats are not politicians, just as subject to corruption as the next guy, but heavenly, virginal angels beyond the grasp of power, money and influence?


And, if the answer is yes, is your planet in need of ex-patriots?



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Once More


Are you posting from inside yer ass where Republicans and Democrats are the same?? I'll never understand why people think that. I guess it makes them feel better because they dont pay attention or something.


Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Bill Clinton and Al Gore. John Kerry and Ted Kennedy.


George Bush and Dick Cheney. Ronald Reagan and Dan Quayle. Trent Lott and Newt Gingrich.


You REALLY think these folks are ANYTHING alike on policy matters??


If you do youre wrong. Sorry.

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