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Two new Counting Crows songs available on their website

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Counting Crows are OK -- I think the comments here pretty much cover it (started off good-ish, got more bloated and self-important than is even slightly realistic). Also to the people who commented that they liked them in high school, I can totally relate. That's probably partly an indicator of our ages, but also partly because most CC stuff is basically folk-pop with teenage poetry thrown in there. I think Duritz has written some great lyrics (Mrs. Potter) and some horrific lyrics (check out the bunny suit line from "Holiday in Spain").


One thing I will give them credit for, though, is a good live show. I saw them twice in the early 00s and they didn't do any spoken word stuff at all -- Adam didn't talk between songs -- and they even played most of "Thunder Road" as an homage in the middle of "Rain King." Overall I think they're you're typical one-hit-wonder with a little bit better content to them, and an occasional great song here and there. I will pick this album up most likely, in the hopes that a couple tracks are worth listening to. Kinda like the last few Wilco albums, heheh.


Also want to mention that I think Adam is actually a legitimate, serious songwriter -- even if he doesn't have a good internal sensor for when he is sucking ass. You can tell he actually respects the craft of songwriting, and he gives shout-outs to the people who have influenced him. I like that kinda stuff a lot.

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I remember reading about them in Rolling Stone before the first album came out with Duritz proclaiming that he wanted their music to be remembered 100 years from now.

That and the story told about their first performance on Saturday Night Live. The got the obligatory two songs. The producer/music director wanted them to lead with their hit Mr. Jones. Reasonable request, right? Reportedly, Duritz pitched a hissy fit wanting to lead with Round Here. "We're trying to build a career!"


That...and the fake dreadlocks.


Aside from the fake dreads, what is wrong with his quote in Rolling Stone or the fact that he wanted to lead with a different song? The quote sounds like a good goal, why would a band want their music to be forgotten in a year? And the SNL story sounds like sound advice - you never lead with your most popular song, or you risk losing half the people who may actually enjoy your other songs but only listen to top 40 radio. I never see bands opening a concert with their main hit - it is always just before the encore or in the encore.


Seems to me you are looking for reasons to hate them...

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What? They don't need protection too? Jeez.




Much better.


I don't think I have really heard anything past A Long December - which fits nicely if you are in a disturbing relationship - which I was when that song came out.

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I never see bands opening a concert with their main hit - it is always just before the encore or in the encore.

Hey Wait -- I saw Third Eye Blind open with Semi-Charmed Life.... :shifty




















I saw Third Eye Blind? :monkey

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I remember reading about them in Rolling Stone before the first album came out with Duritz proclaiming that he wanted their music to be remembered 100 years from now.

That and the story told about their first performance on Saturday Night Live. The got the obligatory two songs. The producer/music director wanted them to lead with their hit Mr. Jones. Reasonable request, right? Reportedly, Duritz pitched a hissy fit wanting to lead with Round Here. "We're trying to build a career!"


See, that story makes me dig them a bit more. How could you possibly have a problem with that as a music fan? I remember seeing that SNL performance. The "Mr. Jones" was rote and lame but that version of Round Here I still remember to this day....


In fact, I actually saw them play with Cracker on the August tour and they didn't even play "Mr. Jones". I couldn't believe it and we all commented on how cool that was even if it pissed of 99% of the people there.

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